Medium and heavy class uavs control system potential threats analysis

Information and measuring and control systems


Amenitskiy M. V.

Moscow scientific-research radio engineering institute, MNIRTI, 2/1, Bolshoy Trehsvyatitelsky per., Moscow, 109028, Russia



The goal of the article consists in substantiation of aerial flying vehicles’ (UAV) control systems analysis with a view to the present ability of control interception and confidential information discredit.

The author developed the UAV control system’s information influence algorithm based on STANAG 4586 Edition No 3 Control System (UCS) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) NATO Standardization Agreement 4586.

The presented algorithm determines possible channels for impact. The basic criterion for determining the system element as subjected to an external impact is existence of communications links, passing through the space points accessible for an intruder. To confirm the impact possibility, the supposed attack scenario is described using the suggested impact vector. The article considers various impact directions, which goal consists in intercepting control over the UAV, and reveals various merits and demerits of each of them.

The UAV control system information flows algorithm was developed. The revealed impact vectors were analyzed by the “strengths and weaknesses” method.

Several requirements to activities on UAV prototype model design management aimed at information security enhancement of the UAV control system were determined.

It was revealed in the course of the studies that the most effective impact on the control system of medium and heavy class UAVs is the impact on the systems of spatial positioning and navigation.


unmanned aerial vehicles, information security, cyber-attack, robotics, counteraction to unmanned aerial vehicle, attacks, telecommunication system, security


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