Diagnostic information formation in the form of electronic equipment electrical circuits’ fragments

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Anisimov O. V.*, Kurchidis V. A.**

Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia

*e-mail: qwaker@inbox.ru
**e-mail: idahmer2@yandex.ru


Transition to the electronic representation of electric circuits in the existing information support systems does not ensure significant time gain while forming diagnostic information in the form of electric circuits’ fragments. It restricts the information support systems’ abilities on reducing duration of technical diagnostics and recovery of electronic equipment of complex technical systems. The time of complex technical systems recovery can be reduced by decreasing the time necessary for forming diagnostic information in the form of electric circuits’ fragments.

The proposed method contributes to the recovery time of complex technical systems reduction by improving the efficiency of information support automation means of the diagnostic systems. This method allows forming diagnostic information in the form of electric circuits’ fragments based on their structural and functional properties’ description in object notions and terms of natural language. The presented method is based on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of sets and relations, predicate calculus, the theory of formal languages and grammars.

There is a good reason to consider the obtained results as methodological basis for the modern information support systems for technical diagnostics, oriented on applying an electronic folder of the product as an information base of such systems. It contributes to functionality enhancing of the relevant information support systems.

Implementation of the proposed method allows repeatedly reduce the diagnostic information formation time of electronic equipment electric schemes in the form of fragments and to decrease the recovery time of complex technical systems up to 14%.

From a practical point of view, the proposed method ensures a time reduction of the diagnostic information formation. This method creates a formalized base for the architecture development of information support system for technical diagnosis process. The aggregate of the obtained results is aimed at electronic equipment models and methods representation on account of the necessity to form diagnostic information in the corresponding application domain.

This work is a starting point for further research in the field of process of information support of the complex technical systems’ technical diagnostics.

The developed method of the diagnostic information formation while complex technical systems recovery is based on implementation of the aggregate of models and methods, ensuring concordance of conceptual and schematic and graphical representation of radio electronic equipment based on elements’ patterns of electric circuits.


diagnosis process, conceptual model, radio electronic equipment recovery


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