Methods of identification interference taking part in robotic systems broadcasting

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Osipov N. A.*, Shavin A. S.**, Tarasov A. G.***

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



In the conditions of electromagnetic radiations impact, various by the nature of emergence and nature of distorting influence, for increase of autonomy of robotic systems from positions of information transfer it is necessary to solve two problems: to provide authentic transfer of important and technological information and to distinguish the transferred information distortion reasons.

The Methods of identification interference, is based on the solution of a problem of classification. As the signs describing distorting influence of hindrances, estimates of random variables which characterize are used, how many time each important and technological team, taking into account the compelled repetitions was transferred, a Fisher’s linear discriminant strengthened by Bagging algorithm is chosen as the qualifier.

The methods of identification interference operating in the communication channel of robotic systems, including three main points is developed:

– formation of a vector of signs of distorting influence of hindrances;

– identification of a vector of the signs characterizing distorting influence of hindrances;

– the alarm system to the operator on management point.

In article offers on realization of a technique of identification of hindrances in intellectual system of recognition of the transferred information distortion reasons are presented.

Application of the developed methods of identification interference in common with way of non-uniform error-detected coding allows to localize the information distortion reason in a communication channel and to exclude possibility of passing of unreliable information.

The methods of identification interference can be realized in intellectual system of recognition of the transferred information distortion reason and to be a segment of system of support of decision-making.


robotic system, information broadcasting channel transmission, electromagnetic interference, identification of interference, a Fisher’s linear discriminant


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