Model of problem analysis of the warehouse logistics object in aviation

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Kindinova V. V.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The problem of increasing the efficiency of the operation of the object of warehouse logistics in the example of a warehouse of aircraft parts is considered. As performance measures are considered indicators adopted in queuing theory, characterize the performance and loading facility. To solve the problem developed simulation system based on the integrated use of the conceptual, analytical and simulation methods. The simulation model of problem analysis is an important part of the simulation system, it allows to investigate low-level operating processing processes, evaluate alternatives, develop recommendations for the modernization of processes. The model of problem analysis is implemented with the use of a hybrid approach. It is developed on a modular basis, which allows one to integrate within the framework of one model elements described by heterogeneous mathematical schemes. The approach of modeling the input stream of a complex structure has been developed, the requests of which undergo multiple splitting, corresponding to the transition from one technological process to another. Application of the developed approach to modeling input stream of the detailed presentation level, makes it possible to configure both deterministic and random input with group heterogeneous requests. The approach allows to obtain the following parameters of the functioning of the object warehouse logistics: the waiting time and the start of the service pack; delays inside the pack; packets delay, the number of requests in the system. The dynamics of changes in these parameters is necessary tracked, since the group receipt of requests significantly worsens the performance of the system in comparison with the general arrivals of the same average intensity. Unlike existing approaches, the proposed approach assumes the representation of the input stream by a set of interrelated agents, which allows modeling the input stream with group heterogeneous requests. The model of input stream is implemented using the agent-based approach of simulation modeling. The algorithms of generating initial data for modeling of the random input are developed. Simulation experiments were performed: estimates of workload and downtime was obtained; the effective technology of unloading pallet was identified; the limiting capacity of the acceptance zone was calculated.


simulation system, hybrid approach, agent-based approach, pattern, state diagram, identification, the criterion of consent, experiment


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