Decentralized formation control considering information propagation

1*, 2, 1, 1**1. Institude of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
2. Tokyo Denki University, Japan
There is a growing interest in formation flight of satellites and its control strategy. The centralized control architecture is optimal when all information is shared by every member in the formation, however, it possibly shows unstable behavior in a realistic situation where the information exchange cost (for example, communication load) is large and the information can be only partially shared. This paper proposes a new decentralized control strategy for multi-vehicle formation control, which effectively propagates the information between adjacent agents and uses the information in the control calculation. The strategy can overcome the drawback of the centralized approach while maintaining the communication load very low. The effectiveness of the proposed strategy is numerically verified by applying to one-dimensional car train control problem and two-dimensional in-plane satellite formation control problem.Download