Construction of membership functions of radio-electronic equipment parameters on experimental data

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Zakovryashin A. I.

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Estimation of a radio-electronic equipment object’s workability supposes its diagnosis.
Diagnosis of the equipment is performed based on continuous mathematical model.
Measurement and a priori information on an object is being accumulated.
As additional a priori information, the author suggests to employ statistical properties of the object’s parameters.
Studying technical documentation on the equipment objects allowed reveal three types of tolerance ranges.
The article formulated the requirements to the membership functions of parameters with various types of tolerance ranges.
The procedure of construction of membership functions (operability functions) of parameters was developed.
The article presents the examples of constructing of membership functions of parameters based on histograms.
Increasing of a priori information volume used for processing by the described method will allow increase the accuracy of obtaining quantitative estimations of technical states.


radio-electronic equipment, types of fields of admissions of parameters, requirements to functions of accessories, creation of functions of accessories of parameters for various types of fields of admissions, examples


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