Testing of programming modules for flight task calculation and control based on the source data prioritization

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes
Company State Rocket Centre Academician V.P.Makeyev, 1, Turgoyakskoye shosse, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region, 456300, Russia
e-mail: lyapin-sasha@mail.ru
The article proposes the diagram of computer-aided exploratory testing of calculation and control of the flight task software developed by State Rocket Centre “Academician V.P. Makeyev Design Bureau”. Calculation and control of the flight task software (ССFT software) is a key system of rocket complex and prepares for intercontinental ballistic missile’s flight-control system data, special automatics, and flight-control system of detachable elements. ССFT software consists of programming modules developed by engineers of State Rocket Centre and related organizations. Programming module (PM) is a functionally completed software implementation of CCFT particular task (algorithm).
To ensure quality and reliability every programming module should be debugged and tested in autonomous operation. Reliability of programming module is the probability the module operation without crash.
In this work the author suggests applying a method of computer-aided exploratory testing for debugging and testing PM from CCFT software. This method accounts for input parameters’ priority built on the basis of computational stability index of explored tasks.
The testing diagram accounts for programming modules’ potential crash. It is based on determination of input parameters’ priority. The author suggests employing priorities that are based on computational stability of tasks.
The testing diagram can specify the test data area variation and makes the best use of testing time resources. The diagram also performs qualitative evaluation of calculation and control of the flight task software’s functionality. This diagram is being used for CCFT software testing by engineers of State Rocket Centre.
flight task calculation and control, exploratory testing, data priority, computational stabilityReferences
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