Ballistic characteristics computing technique for identical models in conditions of a carrier aerodynamic interference

System analysis, control and data processing


Zamolotskikh O. A.*, Nikolaev A. V.**, Nikolaev A. V.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



One of the most important tasks of aircraft employing is the delivery of goods discharged from external suspension devices in a strictly designated area. However, while suspension and subsequent discharge of identical goods under the same conditions, but with different external components of the carrier aircraft suspension, significant deviations of the drop of goods from the calculated occur. To determine the causes leading to high values of the drift, simulation of the process of flow around the aircraft when loads were located at various external points of the suspension was performed in the ANSYS software complex. According to the simulation results, the conclusion was made that the main reason, leading to discrepancies in the results of discharges from different external points of the suspension, is aerodynamic interference (AI) from the carrier, which represented an additional aerodynamic forces and moments, leading to a change in the aerodynamic qualities of ballistic bodies. Thus, the problem of accounting for the changes in the aerodynamic qualities of loads, depending on the location in the mathematical model of the movement of the ballistic body, arises. The article presents method for accounting for the aerodynamic interference characteristics, as well as the development of a technique for the ballistic characteristics computing of the goods located on the external suspension devices in the conditions of aerodynamic interference.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the results:

1. The phenomenon of aerodynamic interference significantly distorts the aerodynamic characteristics accepted and used in the onboard complexes.

2. The quantitative change of aerodynamic qualities of the model induced by the AI should be accounted for in the function containing the cargo ballistic properties , i.e. ballistic characteristics.

3. The developed technique allows accounting for the individual specifics of the cargo geometry and ballistic properties and obtain ballistic characteristics, reflecting the real process more fully.

4. Since AI manifests itself briefly, it is necessary to develop an accounting method of the characteristics of AI in the onboard ballistic algorithm, which envisages both movement in the interference and unperturbed field of the atmosphere.


ballistic characteristics, modelling, aerodynamic interference, ballistic model


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