Dynamics of a vehicle with omniwheels with massive rollers with account for a roller change contacting with supporting plane

Theoretical mechanics


Gerasimov K. V.*, Zobova A. A.**

Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russia

*e-mail: kiriger@gmail.com
**e-mail: azobova@mech.math.msu.su


We study the dynamics of a vehicle with omni-wheels moving along a horizontal plane. In this work, we consider dynamics of the rollers, and suggest the model for contact switching from one roller to another using impact theory. We consider behavior of the simplified model of the omni-wheel as a rigid disk with a non-holonomic sliding constraint (MassLess Rollers Model – MLRM).

Dynamics of a symmetrical vehicle with N omni-wheels, each carrying n rollers, moving along a fixed horizontal absolutely rough plane are considered under the following assumptions: the mass of each roller is nonzero, the plane and rollers are absolutely rigid, so the contact between a supporting roller and the plane occurs in one point. The slippage is allowed only at the instant just after the change of the rollers in contact (a tangent impact).

Between the impacts, the motion dynamics are governed by the equations in pseudovelocities. Compared to MLRM, the additional terms proportional to the rollers’ axial moment of inertia and depending on the angles of wheels’ rotation appear. For free motions (without control), we showed analytically the existence of the energy first integral, cyclic linear integral for the non-supporting rollers, and slow change of the MLRM first integral. It is shown that some MLRM motions disappear. All analytical results were confirmed by simulation. Comparison of the main types of motion for symmetric three-wheeled vehicle for MLRM and the whole model was performed.

For switching between rollers, an impact theory problem is posed and solved, impact forces and energy loss being obtained in assumption of non-elastic impact and ideal constraints. Right before the impact instant only holonomic constraints are imposed on the system. After the impact, a set of differential constraints are applied. The impact problem is then formulated as a system of algebraic equations. The system admits the unique solution. We consider the impact as non-elastic in the sense that it is equivalent to projection of the vector of generalized velocities onto the plane defined by constraints in the space of virtual displacements, orthogonal in the kinetic metric. Thus, the normal part of the generalized velocities vanishes, and the kinetic energy of the system decreases by the value of the kinetic energy of lost generalized velocities, in accordance to Carnot’s theorem. Then the solutions were obtained numerically combining both smooth parts of motion and impacts.


omniwheel, massive rollers, nonholonomic constraint, laconic form of Ya.V. Tatarinov's equations of motion, impact theory, instant instant superposition of differential constraint


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