Bending deflection of a non-uniform bar at axial compression

Deformable body mechanics


Egorov A. V.

National Institute of Aviation Technologies, 3, Kirovogradskaya str., Moscow, 117587, Russia



The article considers a process of deformation of a hinged-mounted non-uniform bar at the axial compression. Numerical computation was performed with ANSYS and LS-DYNA software, using 3D finite elements in elastoplastic domain. The fact of stability loss was being established through the values of bending deflections being determined.

The bar non-uniformity was specified by the three elastic insertions with elasticity modulus differing from basic material of the bar. The insertions were located along the bar superficies non-symmetrically relative to its axis. A steel bar with elasticity modulus of
Ef = 200 GPa with two types of insertions, namely, hard with elasticity modulus of
Ef = 180 GPa, and soft with elasticity modulus of Ef = 1 kPa was considered.

The insertions were of a small volume: in total 0.8% relative to the bar volume.

Based on modal analysis, forms of oscillations and natural frequencies of the non-uniform bar were obtained with ANSYS software, which were compared to the shapes and frequencies of the uniform bar.

Lateral motions (bending deflections) of an axially compressed non-uniform bar were found by computing its stress and strain state with LS-DYNA software in dynamic setting, which allowed obtaining bending deflections as a function of time. For the first five forms of stability losses of the non-uniform bar corresponding loads were calculated.

Loading of the bar bending deflection over one half-wave (per the first form) was compared to Euler’s critical load. It was shown, that the obtained critical loading exceeded it by 21%. This loading can be considered as the upper estimation, since the insertions were of small volume.

With an assumption of the bar non-destructiveness, the process of shape changing, associated with large displacements was established with LS-DYNA software, and a time instant of ultimate strain reaching in the upper thin layer on the bumpy surface of the bended bar was indicated.


column strut, compression, stability, modal analysis, finite elements method, mode of deformation


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