Design procedure for heat dissipation of hybrid bearings with grease lubricant

Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles


Khramin R. V.*, Kikot' N. V.**, Lebedev M. V.***, Burov M. N.****

United Engine Corporation “Saturn”, 163, Lenin av., Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region, 152903, Russia



Grease-lubricated bearings application is a promising trend for weight reduction and reliability increase of small-size engines, which allows eliminate the oil system utilization. Since the lubricant grease working temperature is, as a rule, lower than the temperature of conventional aviation oils, accurate assessment of the bearing thermal state is required. To reduce heat generation within the bearings under study, ceramic rolling elements, rather than traditionally used steel bodies, are used. The bearing lifespan is determined by the loads and thermal state of the bearing elements and grease. To determine the bearing thermal state, we are to know the values of heat flows affecting the bearing. Heat flows from the surrounding parts and air can be sufficiently determined by the verified commercial software products. To determine the heat flow generated by the grease-lubricated bearings, it is required to create and verify a design procedure, as there are no branch calculation methods for heat generation of grease-lubricated bearings. It will be impossible to justify performance of the engine, equipped with such bearings, before the certification body without the verified heat- generation calculation method for grease-lubricated bearings.

The article presents the design procedure for heat emission of hybrid grease-lubricated bearings with ceramic rolling elements. The computational experimental Demidovich’s method is used as the main criterion equation. The Demidovich’s method is distinguishes from the other bearing heat-emission computation methods by availability of the similarity theory elements, as the main criterion equation uses of the bearing geometry features. That is why the dependencies defined by this method represent flexibility for the studied bearing size. The experimental data for the design procedure verification were obtained during the tests of the angular ball bearing size 126308. The coefficients describing the experimental data with enough engineering accuracy were determined due to the analysis. The heat flow calculated in accordance with the presented design procedure can be automated and built in the bearing 3D-model together with the heat flows from the bearing environment.


“hybrid” ball bearing, ceramic rolling elements, temperature, thermal conditions, similarity numbers, power losses


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