Models and algorithms for a communication spacecraft dynamic radio resource backing-up while servicing non-stationary information streames with account for delay in control

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Kovalsky A. A.*, Zinnurov S. H.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The goal of operative satellite repeater’s radio resource distribution (reservation)is set as the nonlinear programming problem, and the example of its solution while servicing a non-stationary message stream formed by the group of voice subscribers is given.

Modulated Markov process and its special case, called interrupted Poisson process are used as a model of non-stationary message stream formed by voice subscribers, with account for signal suppression during pauses. Modulated Markov process mathematical model of a servicing process with the time lag while of additional channels connection was developed as a three-dimensional Markov chain. Algorithm of this problem solution was developed, and the example for the case, when the ingress flow was being formed by only one subscriber, is presented.

The object of the study is channeling equipment of a ground station of a communication satellite, which employs a communication spacecraft for the channels radio resource organizing. An object of the study is a technology of backing-up a communication spacecraft radio resource. The research objective is directed to the capacity growth of the ground station of satellite communication, due to the choice of optimum value, the backed-up radio resource for each direction of communication.

The simulation model of dynamic back-up of a communication spacecraft radio resource, based on the software product recommended for performing scientific research in the field of mathematical and simulation modeling, namely Matlab/Simulink/SimEvents, together with the interactive building tool for complex Stateflow models was developed and described. The Stateflow software product based on the theory of finite state machines and queuing systems application is intended for logical queuing systems design.

The developed approach to managing of communication satellite’s limited resource distribution, allows achieve substantial advantage savings (about 30%) of the communication satellite radio resource, due to its dynamic redistribution between the radio communication directions.


communication spacecraft, dynamic back-up, radio resource, ground station interrupted Poisson stream, modulated Markov process, non-stationary information stream, voice traffic


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