2011. № 45

Тематический выпуск «Молодежь и будущее авиации и космонавтики–2010»

45 выпуск электронного журнала «Труды МАИ» является тематическим и содержит 71 научную статью, подготовленную на основе докладов, представленных на II Межотраслевом молодежном научно-техническом форуме «Молодежь и будущее авиации и космонавтики» и признанных экспертными группами и Программным комитетом конференции соответствующими общепризнанным критериям высокого научного уровня. Заседания II Межотраслевого молодежного научно-технического форума «Молодежь и будущее авиации и космонавтики» состоялись 2 декабря 2010 года во Всероссийском выставочном центре. Участниками форума стали более 700 человек, среди которых молодые ученые, молодые специалисты, аспиранты и студенты – представители более 50 предприятий аэрокосмической отрасли и смежных высокотехнологичных отраслей промышленности, 18 научных и высших учебных заведений России. В рамках форума по девяти направлениям (авиационная техника; двигатели и энергетические установки; системы управления, информатика и электроэнергетика; системы радиолокации, радионавигации, связь и оптоэлектроника; ракетная и космическая техника; математические методы в аэрокосмической сфере; экономика и менеджмент в авиационной и космической отраслях; инновационные технологии и материалы аэрокосмического применения) было заслушано 90 докладов по актуальным вопросам научно-технологического развития аэрокосмической отрасли и смежных отраслей промышленности. Программный и Организационный комитеты II Межотраслевого молодежного научно-технического форума «Молодежь и будущее авиации и космонавтики» выражают надежду, что издание данного выпуска будет полезным для дальнейшего развития в Российской Федерации высоких технологий и кадрового потенциала таких технологий.

Control systems

Merkulov V. I., Milyakov D. A.

an analysis of introduced self-guidance algorithm that allows of very manoeuvre hypersonic objects interception is carried out. The results of efficiency and responsibility investigations of algorithm under the conditions of measuring instruments errors while very manoeuvre hypersonic aim striking are presented. The investigations were carried out with simulation. Findings of carried out investigations including possibility of hypersonic objects striking and influences of application conditions and measuring instruments by accuracy of control signal forming. Moreover the measuring accuracy requirements are formulated.

Keywords: self-guidance algorithm, hypersonic aircrafts, the statistical optimum control system theory, the response of guidance algorithm, aviation self-guidance system.

Sapogov V. A., Anisimov K. S., Novozhilov A. V.

This article describes one of the approaches to functional and data exchange architecture of airborne distributed computer system (ADCS) for integrated flight-control systems (IFCS) to realize the fail-save requirement for airborne flight-control systems. The technical figure of fail-save ADCS for typed integrated flight-control systems (IFCS) for long-range civil aircraft was generally developed. To provide the required reliability control of integrated flight-control systems (IFCS) and designed level of flight operating safety the new principles of fail-save software development and rearrangement of its functional modes in case of failure were formed.

Keywords: integrated flight-control system; fly-by-wire control system; airborne computer system; fail-save computer system.

Mukhin A. V., Yefimov A. A.

In this work the approach to the decision of a problem of the automated search of the filter parameters is offered for difficult dynamic system on the basis of using genetic algorithms and definition stability spaces.

Keywords: control systems of launch vehicle, angular stabilization, synthesis of filters, genetic algorithms, optimization methods, the elastic fluctuations of construction

Dvoynikov S. M.

The approximate method of equivalent transformation of mathematical model multi-rate systems of stabilization to an equivalent single-rate kind with any, including with the smaller sampled period is offered. The offered method can be used at a problem solving of the analysis and a synthesis of algorithms of stabilization on the basis of frequency methods with use of a nyquist criterion at calculation of frequency characteristics with a breaking in a researched contour.

Keywords: systems of stabilization; multirate; frequency analysis; stability

Navigation systems

Savelyev V. M., Antonov D. A.

This paper deals with the in-flight alignment problem of the airborne strapdown inertial navigation system (SDINS) of unmanned aircraft. Design of alignment algorithms that increase alignment accuracy and decrease alignment duration is the purpose of the investigation. Initial alignment system pattern is proposed. Various integrated data processing modifications are analyzed. SDINS alignment simulation procedure is proposed. It allows to analyze developed integrated data processing modifications and to discover most efficient alignment system patterns.

Keywords: strapdown inertial navigation system; Kalman filter; unmanned aircraft; initial alignment.

Lunev E. M.

This article examines convergence of new algorithm of navigation parameters definition on the basis of photographic image developed by author. It is founded that this algorithm based on Newton numerical method is stabile in meaning of solving convergence in particular area of initial datasets only (when the touchdown point is not too far away or too close). Two ways of modification developed algorithm are proposed for problematic areas of initial datasets. The second one is guarantee convergence for whole range of initial datasets.

Keywords: uav; photoorientation; navigation; landing; definition of coordinates

Sbitenkova M. A.

A present work considers a problem to maintenance demanded characteristics of independent navigation system with small weight, size and cost. It investigates methods that increase navigation’s accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS). It is offered a hybrid principle of construction of inertial navigation systems as a way of improvement characteristics of SINS’s accuracy. The hybrid inertial navigation system (HINS) represents the strapdown inertial measuring unit in the biaxial gimbal suspension with static indicator gyrostabilization. This constructive decision allows to improve characteristics of navigation system’s accuracy, at the same time it meet the demands to keep acceptable size, weight, cost and gives possibility to fulfill unlimited maneuvers by object and autonomy work of control system.

Keywords: strapdown inertial navigation system; hybrid inertial navigation system; improvement methods of characteristics of accuracy; prestarting calibration; system of operated configuration; mathematical model of indicator gyrostabilizer.

Instrument making

Zagrebin D. A.

Medical system software for such system modules as electroencephalograph, electrocardiograph, pulse oximeter, CO2 module, noninvasive blood pressure module, invasive blood pressure module and doppler system was developed. Possibilities and benefits of integrating this modules presented in the article.

Keywords: medical system; electroencephalograph; electrocardiograph; pulse oximeter; CO2 module; noninvasive blood pressure module; invasive blood pressure module; doppler system; integrating of information; brain ischemia diagnostic

Kapustyan A. V., Koroleva V. A.

The comfortable condition of the person and its working capacity in many respects depends on value of parameters of the surrounding his environment. Therefore continuous control over a state of environment will allow each concrete person to function optimum, or, at an exit of some parameters of environment for boundary values, to accept certain preventive actions on decrease in consequences for the health. Application of devices of registration of environment parameters with the sensitive elements made with application of MEMS-technologies will allow, by estimations, to improve overall dimensions measuring equipment characteristics in 15…20 times, to increase service life in 1,5…3 times and to lower production cost price. In work the prototype of a design of the device of registration of parameters of environment is presented, and also calculation of economic efficiency of the project is carried out, expected results and prospective effects are presented.

Keywords: environment; a sensitive element; monitoring; МЭМС; a microstructure

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics

Magin V. V., Klabukov V. A., Rogoza A. V.

In this paper elaboration is presented and investigations are made for a possible design of high-speed (rotational frequency – 60000 rev/min) electric generators with power of 250 kW and electromagnetic bearings that can be used in gas turbine units with an energy conversion system for space electric power plants. Elaboration of the most optimal types of high-speed electric generators is done: synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation and generator with out-closed magnetic flux. The study showed that it is impossible to make a generator with out-closed magnetic flux with power of 250 kW and rotational frequency 60000 rev/min. Therefore the only possible high-speed generator type is a synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation. Electromagnetic bearing assemblies being able to provide sustained operation of a turbo-generator without maintenance are studied. Radial and axial electromagnetic bearing designs are defined. Design-theoretical study of electromagnetic bearing design characteristics is done. Calculation of critical rotational frequencies for the synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation is made. This calculation showed that it is necessary to overcome minimum one critical rotational frequency.

Keywords: turbo-generator; electromagnetic bearing; gas bearing; synchronous generator with permanent magnet excitation; generator with out-closed magnetic flux

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems

Kozlov I. V., Nabokov S. A., Smirnov A. S.

Algorithms, program and interface for data transfer modeling in airmobile digital communication radio line are designed. Energetic potential analysis procedures of troposphere communications radio line consider interference interactions of propagation waves are derived. Models of video signal formatting, modulation, space communication channel, receiver and transmitter antennas, the digital demodulator and display systems of a received signal on the computer screen taking into account noise are designed. Paper contains comparison of original image and the simulation modeling result for SNR estimation.

Keywords: communication radio line, imitation modeling

Tomozov D. A.

Octave frequency band SHF phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizers (FS) for three ranges 1 — 2 GHz, 2 — 4 GHz and 4 — 8 GHz are developed and manufactured. The engineering design technique of FS and the MathCAD computer program for power spectral density calculation is developed. Recommendations for PLL pass-band choice are given. Three ranges of FS parameters are calculated. Scheme and design of FS operated in range 2 — 4 GHz are presented. Good agreement between spectral characteristics of this FS and calculated ones is shown. Power spectral density of FS has spur reduction is 40 dB, phase noise levels are minus 62 dBc/Hz, 85 dBc/Hz and 128 dBc/Hz at frequency offset from carrier 10 kHz, 100kHz and 1 MHz accordingly.

Keywords: frequency synthesizer, Phase Locked Loop, loop filter, phase noise.

Gorbunova A. A.

The objects of study are wideband radar systems centimeter waves used to generate high resolution radar images of objects. The purpose of the radar under consideration is the recognition of ground and air targets. The paper discusses the commonly used coherent pulsed radar with a scanning antenna and radar using the principle of inverse synthetic aperture antenna (ISAR) for processing received echo signals. The aim is to develop radar image processing algorithm using the procedure of parametric identification, which allows to evaluate the quantitative composition of multipoint target scatterers and get a portrait of this target by calculating the complex scattering coefficients and the coordinates of the point scatterers. This portrait can be used to enhance recognition, as it contains additional information about the target, its shape and size, as well as the parameters of movement.

Keywords: wideband radar; point scatterer; complex radar image; point target portrait; parametric identification; inverse filtering; model order; information criterion

Pykhov Y. A.

The subject is antenna beam steering control system for geostationary satellite transponder autotracking from board of rail-based vehicle. The comparative analysis of some combined control and PID-regulation schemas, including trajectory filters, is carried out. Parametrical optimization for considered correction schemas using criterion of minimum energy losses is performed.

Keywords: satellite transponder; mobile antenna system; mechanical antenna beam steering; autotracking; control system; correction schema; rail-based vehicle.

Sotnikov A. M.

Object of researches in the present article is the demodulator of signals with phase manipu-lation. The purpose of researches is working out of the demodulator with the raised protection against noise. In the course of work performance it is developed structural, basic schemes, results of mathematical modeling of the device are resulted. The offered way of increase in protection against noise is used by working out of the demodulator of signals with phase manipulation.

Keywords: phase manipulation; the demodulator

Kornakova O. V.

Paper is devoted to a vital topic of influence of noiseon a work of photodetector. Technical shape of photodetector device (PDD) was determined and hybrid matrix IR-detector based on HgCdTe was chosen.

Keywords: noise stability; photodetector device; influence of laser radiation; matrix detector; optical-electronic system

Shatovkin R. R., Budyukin I. P.

There is possibility of linear speed determination of manoeuvre air target in the radar silence mode on information about the parameters of target rotatory motion acting from the optronic sys-tem. Realization of secondary treatment of the got unradio-location measuring of linear speed re-sults in the necessity of corresponding algorithm synthesis, and, consequently, developments of manoeuvre aircraft linear speed change model. Presence aboard the destroyer of information about linear speed and parameters of rotatory motion of the accompanied manoeuvre aircraft allows to define her overloads. The got measuring of linear speed and overloads is exact enough and fully can be used for realization of homing of destroyer on an aim in the radar silence mode.

Keywords: on-board radar; optronic system; silence mode; air target; linear speed.

Zheksenov M. A., Pechurin V. A., Volchenkov A. S.

A compact 8 elements circularly polarized patch antennaarray (AA) for reception reflected from the Earth’s surface signal of GLONASS and GPS systems on the L1 frequency band was designed. The AA consists ofradiators placed along two lines with four elements in each line. The radiators centers are situated in a triangular grid. A beam former (BF) of the AA consists of an eight-channel Wilkinsoninphase power divider, eightquadrature hybrids and coaxial cables connecting their ports. At the input of theBF a low- noise amplifier and a bandpass filter are mounted. Measurements have shown the following values of basic AA parameters: gain 14.7dBi, side lobe level is less than -12 dBi.

Keywords: antennaarray, patch, beam former, circular polarization, power dividers/combiners.

Material authority

Bazheryanu V. V., Volkova I. I.

Autoclaves used for the manufacture of parts made of polymer composite materials consume large amounts of energy. Changing technology molding parts of polymer composite materials has reduced production time, labor and energy costs. The quality of the gluing of parts of this advanced technology, supported by the results of acoustic control and mechanical tests.

Keywords: polymer composite material, adhesive prepreg, autoclave molding, aviation, energy

Sysoyeva I. V.

In this article the results of numerical experiments of calculation of stress intensity factors (SIF) for typical aviation structures with cracks are presented. The results obtained were used while creating database for parameters, which affect on SIF, for the damage tolerance value to be evaluated. Parametric calculations, accomplished in this particular work, enable us to evaluate SIF for typical aviation structures with cracks with various characteristics. The usage of the results obtained allows to accelerate and unify definition of crack growth rate, gives the opportunity for specialists who aren't familiar with finite element method to accomplish damage tolerance calculations.

Keywords: fracture mechanic; stress intensity factor; damage tolerance; crack growth rate

Technical cybernetics. Information technology. Computer facilities

Antamoshkin O. A.

The used combined method is developed within the limits of the approach oriented on the purpose to development of software and directed on implementation of designing of fault-resistant difficult management systems by space vehicle Gonets-M.

Keywords: fault-resistant systems; multiple objective and multiattributive methods of decision making; designing of space vehicles

Privalova O. A., Muzafarov A. R., Muzafarova O. Y., Volman V. V., Naumova N. I.

The experience and results of electronic design documentmanagement system implementation in JSC “Central Design Bureau of Automatics”are described in this paper. The efforts made within a scope of this work resulted in the optimization of document management basic mechanisms, development of the standards suite for electronic design document management, company specialists training and beginning of design documentation suite development in electronic form for the products to be designed.

Keywords: roduct data management; electronic documentmanagement system; electronic document; electronic structure of a product; electronic digital signature.

Naydenov A. V.

In work results the principle of electro-hydraulic drive with a combined speed control output element. A method for the synthesis of the basic parameters of the drive.

Keywords: electro-hydraulic drive; speed control; combined; the synthesis of parameters

Zimina E. P., Vasiliev M. V.

Paperless Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) and data communication is the key to create the Development and Life Cycle support Center. Modern radio electronic systems contain large variety devices, differing in signal type (analog, digital, SHF) and functionality (antenna, antenna-feeder device, receiving and transmitting devices). Realization of such systems requires different special CAD, CAM, CAE. The adoption of Development and Life Cycle support Center gives much benefits, such as: decreased time of design documentation development; decreased number of errors in documentation development; decreased cost of searching, record keeping, multiplication and correction of design documentation; decreased time of documentation transfer to the factory.

Keywords: CALS-technology, design documentation, information support processes of life cycle, electronic document management, search

Stupnev V. Y., Komrakov A. A.

The paper deals with application of information technologies for automation of monitoring, processing and analysis of information during laboratory and test bed development stages of existing and next generation high precision weaponry specimen. Taking into account the requirement for efficient apparatus to work with ever increasing scope of data and exceptional role of information component during the development of the next generation high precision weaponry specimen, the authors have created and introduced a system called «СХОД» (system for automated data collection, storage and processing) for information monitoring of the articles at the stage of design and development. «СХОД» system gives information support for the process of rendering engineering solutions and taking managerial decisions by means of automation of data collection, data processing and analysis of the data on monitored articles. In addition, «СХОД» system makes it possible to use previously obtained data in order to minimize the number of full-scale tests of the articles.

Keywords: Automation of monitoring aids; handling and information analysis at laboratory-bench and terrestrial working off.

Shtunder A. L.

The object of the present study is a test signals generating system, used for checking the software of automated test systems. The aim of the research is to work out the ideology, programming and ana-lytical solutions for creating a computer system, that will be able to generate a sequence of digital samples, reflecting given math model of signal, for estimation of accuracy characteristics of auto-mated test systems software. Test signals model building algorithm is designed and basic accuracy characteristics (e.g. non-excludable noises and methodological components of error) of test signals computer-based generat-ing systems are determined. Suggested method and algorithm are used for determining the accuracy of measurement results reg-istration subsystem of carrier rockets test system.

Keywords: measurement instrument; measurement instrument software; measurement system; software verifi-cation

Selyanova I. A.

In the work below one considers a design scheme of information analytic systems. This approach is for development of instrumental tools for innovation projects. General overview of the scheme: stage of analysis of the users' requirements; the system prototype creation stage; stage of system's modelling; stage of development and testing; putting the developed system into operation; supporting the system.

Keywords: analysis information systems; development engineering analysis information systems

Economics and management

Nosova I. S.

One of last and most actual directions in development of system of planning of manufacture - Formation of the nomenclature plan for shops of the basic manufacture and the control over its performance. The big list of programs (directions) of work, deadlines of manufacture, weak complete set of shops ASP necessary ДСЕ from shops MOP, SZP, long process of study of list ДСЕ and as investigation, untimely delivery of tasks at a shop level, amplification of the control of performance of schedules of manufacture has caused sharp necessity of reception of lists ДСЕ which is a subject obligatory delivery, their finishing up to shop-divisionals nomenclature plans and the control of their execution. The basic problem to obligatory delivery consists in formation and study of the list of the nomenclature that now at association there are databases and the software for work with the nomenclature scarce DSE, but it is so isolated, that there is no opportunity to receive the FULL summary list of the nomenclature in all directions (programs) and to coordinate it to volumetric parameters. Workers of shop services, experts PDU should work with software products, each of which has the specificity of work, the various interface, and the organization of storage and processing of the information (Oracle, SQL Server, Access, Paradox).

Keywords: planning, manufacture, automatization

Prokhorova A. S.

Currently, there is a problem creating a system of energy expenses governance of industrial plants. In this paper, the technique of energy audit energy consumption and the power of an enterprise-specific work in the wholesale electricity market and power (WEMP), this is one of the important stages of implementation and operation of an effective management system of energy expenses of industrial plants.

Keywords: energy management, energy efficiency, energy audits, production processes, electric power, control system power consumption, energy saving

Koletskaya E. K., Lovchinskaya M. .., Pobirukhina E. V.

The globalization of international relations, building a global information infrastructure and common information heritage of humanity, international information policy aimed at the political, economic and cultural integration of the world community through the use of new advanced aerospace technology, creating an effective system of human rights, social institutions, free access to and information exchange. The need to move towards the information society is determined by the emergence and dominance in the global economy of new technological structures, the transition of information resources into real resources and social and economic development needs of society for information products and services, the increasing role of information and communication infrastructure in the system of social production, improvement of educational, medical, scientific, technological and cultural spheres, based on international information exchanges, and equitable sharing "of global information good."

Keywords: globalization, telecommunications, space systems; Yamal-300K; regional development; distance education.

Other section

Kostyanoi E. M.

The paper offers a general concept of ballistic efficiency – a prospective field which enables estimation of how rational the process of expenditure of an aircraft energy potential on a trajectory is organized. It defines the place of ballistic efficiency in the structure of weapon systems’ combat efficiency. It also gives consideration to the ballistic efficiency coefficient – the parameter enabling quantitative evaluation of rationality of expenditure of an aircraft energy potential used for delivery of a given payload to a certain distance. As an example illustrating the use of ballistic efficiency coefficient we give a task aimed at optimization of tactical short range aircraft design characteristics in order to maximize its flight range. Analysis is given of various measures aimed at increase of firing range, particular solutions to be implemented as well as main limitations.

Keywords: ballistic efficiency; energy potential; aircraft; parameter; area of feasible solutions

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