2007. № 28
Computer technologies in education | |
Presently integrated systems Simulink+Matlab and VisSim+Mathcad are used for visual mathematics modeling. The tutor procedure complex based on VisSim is produced for learning of automatics control systems. The Spektr_SM extension package of Simulink+Matlab and VisSim+Mathcad are designed and used for learning of control systems mathematics description forms. In this article technology features designing of the Spektr_SM extension package of VisSim + dll are considered. Keywords: |
Aviation technics and technology | |
Description not available Keywords: |
The analysis of an aerodynamic interference in "an aircraft - bulky load" system is conducted. The main theses of the concept of aerodynamic compatibility are formulated. The value of researches of aerodynamic compatibility in the system functioning quality researches in "an aircraft - bulky load" system is shown. Keywords: |
The analysis of an aerodynamic interference of an aircraft and the bulky loads arrangemented on aggregates of the external suspension is conducted. Results of the calculations received by means of model developed by the author, and their comparison with experimental data are obtained. It is shown, that the aerodynamic interference in system “an aircraft - bulky load” leads to change not only total aerodynamic characteristics of load, but also to change of aerodynamic characteristics of separate elements of load. Keywords: |
Description not available Keywords: |
Physics | |
The mathematical and numerical model of a flow of a cylindrical probe by a stream dense of weak plasmas in a magnetic field is developed. It is obtained I-V characteristic of the cylindrical probes located across a stream and angular dependences of density of a current on contour of the cylinder. Results of numerical modelling can be used for probe diagnostics of plasma streams. Keywords: |
Control and Navigation systems | |
This paper represents the results of studies designed to provide information security of radio communication channels transmitting speech messages. On the basis of empirical data on the human hearing sensitivity thresholds, some threshold signal noise ratios were determined at the input of an intelligence receiver, where an operator can hardly read messages at the lowest possible limit. The received data will provide development of security standards for analogous radio electronic communication facilities and systems. Keywords: |
Radio engineering. Electronics | |
Influence of low-frequency weak intensity magnetic field on water has been researched by means of water-conductometric sensors. Magnetic field inductions are 0.35mTl, 0.92mTl and 1.77mTl, frequencies are changed from 1 to 12Hz. It has been determined, that the influence of magnetic field on water conductivity is detected even for weak intensity fields from frequency 4Hz. The peak of action is observed for frequencies 7-8Hz. The increasing magnetic field intensity shifts maximum in more high frequencies. Keywords: |