2012. № 52

Mathematics. Physics. Mechanics

Kuzmin A. M.

Annotation: In article described realization of physical and mathematical model which includes process of crushing, evaporations and formation mix. Realization phases frosts of products of combustion, as the mechanism of prevention of formation PCDD/PCDF.

Keywords: physical and mathematical model, PCB, high-temperature stream, the high-temperature reactor, combustion.

Aviation technics and technology

Tiumentsev Y. V., Kozlov D. S.

This paper focuses on an algorithm of fault identification based on an appropriate combination of identification task for an aircraft simulation model together with classification task for a failure event. Neural network based techniques are suggested to solve identification and classification tasks as applies to the fault diagnostics problem. The results of simulation for sensor and actuator faults with regard to a fighter aircraft are presented to demonstrate efficiency of the proposed approach.

Keywords: failure diagnostics, nonlinear autoregressive network, identification problem, classification problem, aircraft

Moiseev D. V., Pham X. Q.

In this article is formulated and proved some properties of closed routes detour points with known location in the impact of aircraft on a constant direction and wind speed. The possibility of using these properties in the preparation of closed routes of flight.

Keywords: The traveling salesman problem, the optimal route, detour route closed, the wind forecast, plan a route of flight.

Nedelin V. G.

This article presents a general formulation and circuit of solution analysis design and technological solutions folding fins. The algorithm is based on the dependencies presented in [1], and it contains a number of changes due to structural features of the object.

Keywords: reference theoretical solution; mathematical model; anisotropic plate; structural features; natural vibrations; aeroelasticity; flutter; divergence.

Kasumov E. V.

The features ofthe external loadscalculation underkinematicandpoweranalysis ofspatial mechanical systemsofcompositematerials are considered. For eachtype of aircraftaeromechanicalscheme there is its own systemof power and moments, which has its ownfundamental differences.In terms ofsystem of equations solutionsof associatedobjects movementaeromechanicalschemeof aircraftis consideredas a systemof objects associated by boundary conditionsin three-dimensional space. Given setof models allowsto calculate thetypicalprofile ofa light helicopterflightwith simultaneouskinematicandpoweranalysis ofcontrol system of two-bladedrotor. There are madecalculations of fluttercharacteristics ofmain rotor bladewith simultaneousevaluationof the torsionhub deflected mode.

Keywords: mathematicalmodel;numerical experiment;kinematic analysis;power analysis; deflected mode; flutter;aircraft;design.

Loshkarev A. N.

Results of working out of design procedures of dynamic characteristics and of a resource estimation of elements structural products aviation articles in the conditions of joint operation with the carrier are presented. Working out of the final-element model of a structure with the account of a structural features and loading conditions is executed. Algorithms of an estimation of indicators of durability of thin-walled designs of considered products taking into account influence of welded connections are generated. The technique of tests for vibrating durability which can be used for partial replacement of flight tests by the appointed resource laboratory vibrating tests is developed.

Keywords: aeronautical engineering; load-carrying surface; finite element method; oscillations; resource; vibration accelerations; vibration stresses; random vibration.

Behtina N. B.

There is a deficit of data of repeatability of land loadings in comparison with gust loads of a wind and maneuvering loads on an aircraft in flight. The most productive method of research of the given problem is the system of mathematical modelling of the flight dynamics developed in MSTUCA.

Keywords: land loadings; mathematical modelling; an air safety; difficult meteorological conditions.

Le Q. D., Semenchikov N. V., Tran Q. D., Yakovlevsky O. V.

The results of CFD investigation of flow and force and moment characteristics of an airship with propulsive units are presented. Effects of angle of attack, angle of side-slip, propeller revolution number and flow velocity on aerodynamic force and moment coefficients are studied.

Keywords: airship, propulsive unit, aerodynamic characteristics

Le Q. D., Semenchikov N. V., Tran Q. D., Yakovlevsky O. V.

The results of CFD investigation of flow features and aerodynamic characteristics of an airship with propulsive units near the ground surface are presented. The variation of airscrew propulsive coefficient, aerodynamic force and moment coefficients of an airship with propulsive units are studied.

Keywords: airship, propulsive unit, aerodynamic characteristics, wind flow

Pichulin V. S., Smirnova G. G.

The mathematical model worked out in this article provides a way to regulate pilot’s heat state for different flight conditions. Depending on pilots working regime, that is the level of pilot’s expenditure of energy, this model provides a way to determine an optimal temperature of air being forced into ventilation suit and to ensure the comfort pilot’s heat state. This model can be used in individual life support systems.

Keywords: individual life support systems, ventilation of protective equipment, heat adjustment system, ventilation suit, model of pilot’s heat state.

Purtov I. S., Sincha D. P.

This paper presents the basic working stages of the unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) localization algorithm, based on the analysis and further evaluation of image features. The results of working of algorithm searching images in graphical database, which is a set of test photos achieved from UAV, are presented.

Keywords: pattern recognition, image features, SIFT, SOM, cluster analysis, UAV.

Space technics and technology

Vorontsov V. A., Krajnov A. M., Martynov М. B., Pichkhadze К. М., Khartov V. V.

At present one project “Venera-D” for creation a spacecraft to study Venus is included in Russian Federal Space Program. The letter "D" means - long-term studies. As a result of research work a set of scientific problems was defined and a project image of the spacecraft was formed. In addition, within the research work conducted an analysis of alternative facilities that can be used in following missions to study Venus.

Keywords: spacecraft, Windcraft, planetary rover, penetrator, balloon probe, lander, the orbiter.

Bobe L. S., Rakov V. V., Kanaev P. A., Arakcheev D. V.

Research into the influence of the content of noncondensing gases in the rotary multistage vacuum distiller on the operational efficiency of the distillation subsystem of a system for water reclamation from urine. The subsystem is designed for a space station and based on the vacuum distillation method with heat recovery in the rotary multistage distiller and in a thermoelectric heat pump. The data for analysis are obtained in experiments conducted at residual pressure in the distiller from 400 to 800 mm H2O, coolant temperature from 19 to 24°C, gas content in the distiller condensate collection chamber from 0.2 to 0.7 and distiller rotor rotational speed of 1200 rpm. In analysis the relationships of diffusion/convective heat-and-mass exchange in the vapor/gas boundary layer based on the expanded analogy between these processes. It is shown that with an increase in the content of noncondensing gas in the distiller condensate collection chamber the efficiency of energy input to the distillation cycle and condensate output are redused. The analysis results are in agreement with the experimental data and confirm the validity of engineering decisions aimed at minimization of the content of noncondensing gases.

Keywords: distillation, a system for water reclamation from urine, heat-and-mass transfer, noncondensing gases.

Avdeev A. V.

An optical scheme is proposed to be used to obtain high-power pulse periodic radiation in the space-based laser, where HF chemical laser gain generator is used to provide continuous pumping. The application of the "driving oscillator-amplifier” system is justified in this scheme, so that laser pulses with the required parameters can be obtained and further used to clear the near-Earth orbits from the space debris with the size ranging from 1 to 10 cm. It is shown the maximum length of the active medium in the output amplifier can be about 260 cm. Considering larger values here will lead the negative influence of the amplified spontaneous radiation to become more evident.

Keywords: space-based laser system, cw chemical HF laser, driving oscillator, amplifier, pulse-periodic mode of laser radiation.

Bobe L. S., Astafiev V. B., Kapitsa A. A., Sterin V. F.

The membrane filter/separator incorporated in the system for water recovery from humidity condensate is being experimentally tested on the International Space Station (ISS). The membrane filter/separator (MFS) acts as a preliminary separation stage in the humidity condensate separation and pumping unit. In addition to condensate separation from a condensate/air flow the membrane filter/separator provides liquid pretreatment by means of its filtration through micro porous membranes. The principle of operation of the MFS and its design are described in [1]. The paper deals with the results of research in the mechanism of filtration in the membrane filter/separator. It is demonstrated that the filtration process in the MFS occurs with sedimentation on the surface of a membrane. Specific studies intended for development of procedure for apparatus life calculation have been conducted. Based on the data obtained the MFS life calculation procedure is proposed. The design data are in good agreement with the data obtained in trial operation of the membrane filter/separator aboard the ISS.

Keywords: water supplies system; membrane technology; liquid separation; static separation; hydrophilic membrane; micro porous membrane life; mechanism of filtration.

Shilov L. B.

The article deals with selection criterion for determination of star trackers setting angles. The author developed mathematical models and simulation algorithms to evaluate relative time of guiding star trackers axes to sky areas excluding possibilities of sunlight exposure and Earth shading.

Keywords: satellite, star tracker, angles of setting, relative time, guiding a star tracker to the stellar sky, flight simulation, turns simulation

Konstantinov M. S., Min T.

This paper is devoted to the analysis of complicated flight schemes to Saturn with gravity assists and deep space maneuvers for the next launch windows. The idea of gravity assist was implemented long ago. But the use of only this idea would not allow realizing some interplanetary trajectories with complicated flight schemes. For this reason, the possibilities of using deep space maneuvers and active gravitational maneuvers are analyzed. Deep space maneuvers were also used in “Cassini” project.

Keywords: Interplanetary flight, interplanetary spacecraft, optimal trajectory, gravity assist, deep space maneuver

Yaskevich N. A.

A new recursive algorithm for calculation of closed form dynamic equations for simple kinematical chain is configured. It has computational efficiency О(n2) and is used for motion simulation for space manipulators with rotation joints. This algorithm may be modified for taking into account links flexibility and for realization of parallel calculations.

Keywords: space manipulator; dynamic equations; recursive algorithm; computational efficiency.

Aerospace propulsion engineering

Tikhonov A. S., Samokhvalov N. Y.

In this paper numerical simulation of a thermal state of a sector of the modern gas-turbine engine turbine split ring in the conjugate heat transfer statement in ANSYS CFX 12.1 is executed. Experimental verification of the received results on the basis of metallographic researches of sectors and modern gas-turbine engine tests is spent. A number of actions for decrease in temperature of sector on 45K in comparison with an original design are offered.

Keywords: high pressure turbine; sector of the split ring; thermal state; numerical simulation

Bogatyy A. V., D'yakonov G. A., Nechaev I. L.

Paper is devoted to the perspective direction of development of ablative pulse plasma thrusters (APPT) – engines with two-stage system of acceleration of a working body. The principle of action of APPT’s, various types of thrusters, their merits and demerits, possibilities of increase of there characteristics and problems accompanying are considered.

Keywords: electrorocket thruster; the ablative pulse plasma thruster; the plasma accelerator; the plasma source; the small space vehicle

Borovik I. N., Hohlov A. N., Bogacheova D. Y.

The technical article about problem of development method optimal mass flow rate determination of film-cooling LRE small thrust. It describes ways of cooling the walls of the chamber and nozzle rocket engine, and an algorithm for the development of LRE of small thrust with using experimental and computational systems.

Keywords: LRE of small thrust, film-cooling effectiveness, experimental and computational system.

Kanev S. V., Lutishev L. A., Nigmatzjanov V. V., Khartov S. A.

The paper presents: a brief description of the mathematical model for calculation of induced electric field in the chamber of radiofrequency ion engine and the electron temperature. Calculated values are shown for different variants of the model settings - step of winding the inductor, effect of ion-optical system.

Keywords: electric propulsion; RF ion engine, high-frequency discharge; modeling.

Ermilov Y. I.

The rigid symmetric rotor dynamic stability in the foil fluid bearings to the influence of the disturbing forces of the lubrication layer and external disturbing rotor forces are examined. The design equations are obtained. Calculation results of the rotor dynamic stability with different variants of the foil fluid bearing and their analysis are presented.

Keywords: rotor dynamic stability; foil fluid bearings; nonstationary gas lubrication equation; external disturbing rotor forces.

Mannapov A. R.

Typical design of finger seals and conventional technologies of their machining are consid-ered. A new technology of pulse electrochemical dimensional machining of curved narrow slots is suggested, as a technology of making of regular microrelief on contact surfaces of fingers’ pads. Description of machining attachments and processing conditions are given. Also the article contains photos of finger seal rings, produced with proposed technology.

Keywords: finger seal; electrochemical machining; electrode-tool; thin perforated plate; narrow slots; regular microrelief.

Egorov K. S.

Research problem of heat and hydrodynamic characteristics of high-compactness heat transfer surfaces was considered. Experimental facility and and instrumentation methods was presented.

Keywords: heat exchanger, high-compactness hear surface, helium-xenon mixture, Prandtl number

Electrotechnology. Electromechanics

Anisimova T. V., Danilina A. N.

The paper discusses inverter multilevel output voltage forming methods that can be implemented using fully digital techniques. The first method is based on the symmetric regular sampling PWM, with stepped reference signals and modulating triangular waveform. The other method – the asymmetric sampling, offers smaller number of full bridge modules and voltage sources without degrading output voltage quality. Mathematical equations that define PWM switching instants of the multilevel inverter are non-transcendental. Practical implementation of these methods using microcontroller directly is possible. Keywords:cascaded multilevel inverter, symmetric regular sampling, asymmetric sampling, multilevel PWM.

Keywords: cascaded multilevel inverter, symmetric regular sampling, asymmetric sampling, multilevel PWM.

Radio engineering. Electronics. Telecommunication systems

Mayorov D. A.

The new moving target detection method for the frequency tuning radar was developed. The influence of variable factors at the working capacity and method characteristics was investigated by the mathematical model approach.

Keywords: moving target detection; range-rate; frequency hopping signal.

Ponomarev L. I., Vechtomov V. A., Miloserdov A. S.

Тhе krupnoaperturny optimization of the emitter is held; the results of numericaI ca1cuIations KU depending оn the parameters of the emitter; specified minimum number of irrаdiаtогs in the radiator to provide the desired sector review; shows the minimum пumbег of rays from the desired CS МАК

Keywords: sateI1ite communications, antenna аггау; krupnoaperturny radiator, amplification factor, field of view.

Petrov I. A.

In article are considered examples of the designing linear and nonlinear microwave devices with use broadband agreeing structures with  and opened trains. The Structures microwave device, synthesized by classical methods, are combined with periodic broadband structure that allows vastly to enlarge the number a parameters for the following parametric syntheses. As a result manages vastly to enlarge the number variants circuits of the building under development microwave devices, increase their operating range of the frequencies, reduce the size, add the devices new frequency characteristics.

Keywords: linear microwave devices, nonlinear microwave devices, broadband agreeing structures.

Goncharov V. A.

The characteristics of broadband fricatives antennas theoretically investigated, that apply in electronic and telecommunication systems. Score of harmonization on the input a perfect fricatives antenna is conducted. Calculated model of a weakly directional radiating element is designed. Special method optimization of the reflection coefficient such antennas is offered. Results of experimental researches antennas characteristics type of the Vivaldi are presented.

Keywords: methods of calculation, quasi-optimal antenna, matching devices, matrix of scattering, directivity pattern, results of the measurements, empirical relationship.

Ovchinnikova E. V., Ribakov A. M.

The article considers the design of the horn-waveguide antenna array with monopulse beam pattern for the radar. Antenna array is made by galvanoplastic technology.

Keywords: monopulse, mechanical scanning, antenna arrays.

Kondrat’eva S. G.

Electrodynamic model developed monopulse array of horn radiators. The characteristics of the direction and the scheme of constructing antenna array

Keywords: horn antenna arrays, monopulse, mechanical scanning; galvanoplastics

Material authority

Larin A. A., Reznichenko V. I.

development of nondestructive control methods of composite designs allows to define more precisely all a site and the sizes of material internal structure defects. Creation techniques of an estimation changing physicomechanical properties of a product together with application of a modern quality monitoring will allow to predict a resource of a design and it strength and stiffness properties.

Keywords: composite materials; a tomography; bearing ability; durability; defects of internal structure.

Economics and management

Efimova N. S., Kachenovskaya S. G., Shkapova T. A.

Article is devoted an actual problem of introduction of information systems at the enterprises creating modern kinds of aviation arms. The structure of creation of information systems in the aviation industry is considered. Features of a substantiation of cost of procedures of automation of manufacture in aircraft engineering are considered.

Keywords: the industry, information system, efficiency.

Milodanova J. A.

In this research the main tendencies of world aviation industry including aircraft engine sector were determined. The key lines of adaptation strategy of commercial offer were suggested. The tables of classification of original engine manufacturers and second tier suppliers were created and then systematized. The statements of positioning theory were adapted to aviation industry business. Product portfolio for aviation engine manufacturers was developed.

Keywords: aviation engine; positioning; commercial offer; original equipment manufacturer; second tier supplier; product portfolio.

Plonskaya N. I., Kreneva G. V.

The article considers scenario planning technique application for company’s strategy development. The Russian low cost airline has been chosen to illustrate step-by-step how scenarios are developed. The exercise has resulted in viable competitive strategy development with implementation recommendations being given.

Keywords: scenario planning, low cost airline, strategy, competitive advantage, air services.

Tuzikova E. S.

The article investigates interconnection and interdependence of company's fair value and market quotes dynamics. It also focuses on prospects of market forecasts based on changes in company's fair value. The research was made on the basis of US Aerospace&Defence industry and tested by creation and following analysis of virtual portfolio of selected companies.

Keywords: aerospace&defence industry, market forecast, fair value

Ruzakov M. A., Bairamova T. S.

This paper provides an overview of decisions are made today by aviation engines manufactures and challenges facing the global market in the future. Due to international globaliazation, direction of grows is quickly becoming a major managing focus. In view of this several strategy vectors are designed to achieve long term aim of United Engine Corporation.

Keywords: strategic development, forms of cooperation, market research, aviation engine market

Kibzun A. I., Chernobrovov A. I.

We consider optimization problem of the production with the quantile criterion and quantile integral criterion. We proposed acceleration stochastic quasi-gradient algorithm for minimize the integral quantile. We consider the equivalence of quantiles and quantile integral problems for large values of probability. And also we use the solution of the quantile integral criterion to construct an upper bound for the quantile. We consider example of solving the problem for terrestrial space systems.

Keywords: stochastic programming, quantile, quantile integraL quasi-gradient algorithm, stochastic approximation Information about the authors

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