2008. № 30

Social sciences

Airapetyan R. M.

In the work of the senior lecturer of the chair of history of MAI humanitarian faculty Robert Ajerapetjan the problem of formation of Russian geopolitics is being examined during becoming of the Russian centralized state. The author brings to a focus the principles of foreign policy Ivan III, Vasily III, IvanIV were guided. How were the priorities in definition of directions of foreign policy and the nearest and future task of foreign policy determined. In understanding of these questions already during the medieval history of Russian the author considers nothing but appearance of rudiments of geopolitics.


Economics and management

Mkrtchyan G. A., Vecherinina E. A., Cheprakova L. A.

Corporate governance (CG) as a new international phenomenon in the world economic relations, and as a scientifically well grounded medium and practice for dynamic and sustainable value creation, is discussed. The main principles and standards of the CG, introduced by the United Nation's Conference on Trade and Development, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, et al., are presented and explained. The CG system and structure are described.



Malinin L. I., Malinina N. L.

The aim of the article is to investigate mathematical properties of the designing process. Problems, covered in the item, are famous for modeling, when we engaged in the automation of the designing process. It is proved that the designing process is closed, bounded and connected metric domain. It is proved that the designing process as the mathematical object represents the directed progressive- bounded graph. It is proved that for providing connectedness the graph may be enlarged with some elements of the designing process, and it is defined with which elements exactly the graph may be enlarged. It is proved that ordering relationship on the sets of both edges and vertexes of the graph couldn-t be independent. The topological invariants of the designing process are defined.



Vinogradov V. S., Tretiyakova O. N., Khakimov D. V.

The problem of heat-mass transfer in a flat layer of the radiating and absorbing environment with variable on thickness in factor of absorption in approximation of a grey body is considered. Fields of temperatures and intensity of radiation in system "film-substrate" are defined. Statement of a problem and methods of its decision is discussed.


Информационные системы

Martirosov V. E., Ramires Agilar K. A.

In the article are given the results of research of the noise stability of the bit-by-bit coherent reception of signals QAM. The researches are carried out by methods of statistical modeling on PC in program environment MATLAB 7.0.1. Is carried out the comparison of the obtained results of statistical modeling with accounts on the analytical expressions given in published earlier works.


Radio engineering. Electronics

Khromtsev A. V., Fomin A. I.

In the article the narrow-band noise control method based on the "whitening" filter application on high-speed broadband digital radiosystem without use spectrum spreading is considered. The results of computer simulating showing the "whitening" filter influence on the radiosystem synchronizing system performance characteristics are resulted.


Fomin A. I., Hamad A.

In article the generalized method for calculation of reliability of communication in various channels with fast and slow fading is submitted.


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