The satellite for utilization of space debris in near-earth space

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Barkova M. E.

Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia



The main problem of article is creation of the spacecraft project for space debris utilization.

The purpose of the presented work consists in developing the concept and design of spacecraft, which will allow space debris reprocessing into fuel.

The relevance of this work consists in the near-earth space clarification from space debris by their reprocessing into fuel.

The main shortcomings of the existing projects of technical devices are large space debris crushing that leads to the smaller fragments formation.

The article suggests employing the concept of pseudo-liquid fuel creation. Pseudo-liquid fuel is the fuel obtained from the fine metallized powder in the gas environment. The spacecraft consists of a trap for space debris gathering, and a system for its utilization by which the space debris are reprocessed into the pseudo-liquid fuel.

The obtained results can be applied while the spacecraft design and operation.

The author comes to a conclusion, that the space debris reprocessing into the pseudo-liquid fuel is the most expedient, since this type of space debris utilization is waste-free.

The author’s unconditional merit is creation of the invention named “The spacecraft for the space debris utilization”, as well as the spacecraft operation design.

The prospect of further developments in this area consists in upgrading the system for the space debris recycling to reduce costs for the project, the spacecraft anti-shock body and its fan-shaped solar collector refining to avoid damaging while space debris collecting and the spacecraft project improvement for future realization.


space, space debris, technogenic, utilization, processing, the satellite for space debris collecting


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