Comparing various types of tracers in particle imaging velocimetry method

Optical and optical-electronic devices and complexes


Kolesnikov S. Y.*, Skornyakova N. M.**

National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250 Russia



The presented work is devoted to studying measurements dependence, obtained by the particle imaging velocimetry (PIV) on the type of the employed tracers. The PIV is used for velocity measuring in the selected stream 2D section or its 3D volume while hydro- or aerodynamic experiments.

The accuracy of the flow parameters determining depends on the reflective particles, serving as speed determining markers. Their images represent the reference points for particles migration computing. Certain requirements are imposed on markers: they should be rather large so that they could be distinguished on the image, and, at the same time, they should be small enough and light to follow a stream accurately.

Several types of the tracer particles are employed in PIV experiments. The experiment was performed with applying three types of tracers: polyamide particles, hollow glass spheres and aluminum particles. The stream under study was created by the laboratory chemical mixer rotation in a water volume to which the observing markers were added. The whirlwinds fields of speeds in liquid for a nozzle of the «cross» mixer type were built Velocity measurements were performed separately for each tracer type, and fields of displacement vectors were constructed for the same rotation mode of the mixer.

The results of the experiment were analyzed regarding compliance of fields of speeds to the data obtained in similar studies. Results of the work demonstrate that for this class of experiments the best results were obtained with polyamide particles.


particle image velocimetry, tracers, the vector field of speeds, polyamide particles, hollow glass spheres


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