Managing the units and spare parts inventory for the State aviation equipment: the main problems and ways of solution

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Chepko I. N.*, Bogomolov D. V.**, Karpenko O. N.***

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



The article considers the basic principles of the stocks management system. The uniqueness of the approach to the repaired units inventory management for operation of difficult products ensuring is proved. The purpose of the presented work consists in the analysis of the existing planning tools and inventory management. The analysis of the conventional technologies of inventory management application in the system of planning and inventory management of the repaired units to ensure operation of aircraft of the State aviation was performed. The history of the theory of inventory management was studied. Contradictions between the growing quantity of both complexity of the new problems of aircraft application, and old standard technology of planning and units inventory management are revealed. The fact that 60% of all airplanes stand idle in faulty condition due to the lack of spare parts is the vivid illustration to it. Application of probabilistic approach to the description of the processes of stock management of the repaired aircraft units was justified. Application of imitation modeling as an instrument of planning and managing the multinomenclature stocks of units for aircraft operation was proved as well. The article describes the two-level system for planning and inventory management of units for of aircraft operation as a part of association is described. The principles applied for the mathematical METRIC models description are used. The effective planning tool is simulation with application of real databases of statistical information. The necessity for modern technical developments application, in particular, in the field of information technologies when planning stock of units for aircraft operation of the State aviation is proved. Probabilistic approach application for description of the system of planning and inventory management of the repaired units is proved The functioning efficiency of the system for planning and inventory management of units is estimated by two parameters: the level of failures (service) elimination, and units shortage level. The authors suggest employing the marginal analysis technology to create the optimum plot of the units stock dependence on the amount of deficiencies. Imitation modeling application in the system for planning and inventory management of units is aimed at costs minimization on the product life cycle when ensuring the required parameters of the reliability, readiness, and maintainability of an aircraft of the State aviation.


aircraft operation, planning and inventory management system, simulation


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