Simulation model for assessing the availability of technical systems taking into account characteristics of the diagnostic process

Automation of technological processes and production control


Privalov A. E.*, Dorozhko I. V.**, Zaharova E. A.***, Kopeyka A. L.****

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



In the development of complex technical systems accompanied by their life cycle, it is necessary to maintain readiness for use, which requires the development of new complex models linking reliability indicators and technical condition diagnostics indicators.

The proposed approach and models are based on the basic concepts and relations of the theory of reliability of technical systems. The models proposed in the article are based on the well-known and approved apparatus of Markov random processes, analytical dependencies are obtained from solving systems of Kolmogorov-Chapman equations describing the developed models.

Mathematical models have been developed that relate the availability factor, the reliability of the control of a complex technical system. A simulation model has been developed that relates the reliability indicators of a complex technical system and indicators of the technical condition diagnosing process. Analysis of the results allows us to conclude about the degree of influence of the characteristics of the diagnostic process on the availability of a complex technical system.

The proposed scientific and methodological approach can be used in the development of a complex technical system, as well as to justify the approximate values ​​of the periodicity of monitoring and diagnosing CTS, as well as to form a sequence and composition of inspections in order to increase availability.

The obtained analytical dependence may be of practical interest for military representatives, employees of state certification of products, industry representatives and can be used in the formation and justification of reliability requirements in the tactical and technical tasks for the development (modernization) of a complex technical system, as well as to take into account the influence of process characteristics diagnosing the availability of a complex technical system at all stages of the life cycle.


availability ratio, diagnosing, errors of checks, reliability of diagnosing, markov model


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