Developing methods for noise-proof signals distinction

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Philatov V. I.1*, Borukaeva A. O.1**, Berdikov P. G.1***, Kulakov D. V.2****

1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
2. Military Academy of Aerospace Defense Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov, 50, Zhigareva, Tver', 170000, Russia



The purpose of this work consists in selecting an optimal device for processing a complex signal, ensuring a low noise level. The article considers the operation principle of the scheme for forming and processing a complex signal with informational modulation. It describes also the receiver operation, which performs the inverse transformation of the signal. The authors consider several types of demodulator schemes and their principle of operation. Based on the existing options for schemes structures that solve the problem of the channel selection in which the signal is located, the comparative analysis of the options for the solver structure, allowing substantially reduce the interference impact, was performed. In conclusion, the brief comparative review of the proposed solver units is carried out. The authors make conclusion on selection of a certain type of solver unit that increases the noise immunity of complex signals due to selection of the signal certain parameters.

Relevance of the presented work theme is substantiated primarily by the necessity of developing the new techniques and methods allowing detecting, classifying and distinct complex signals of this or that radio-receiving unit, since more and more radio-electronic means employed onboard the civil and military aircraft are operating with complex signals. The most widespread complex signals herewith are the signals based on linear M-sequences. Application of complex signals is stipulated by their pronounced noise-proof characteristics necessary in conditions of radio channels operation in jamming environment. The radio channel saturation by the complex signal herewith requires the receiver quite accurately detect exactly its own radio signals. In this regard, it is necessary to develop an approach allowing determine the class and distinct the type of signal-code structure to step-by-step simplification of the algorithm for signal detection, identification and processing.


noise immunity, modulation, complex signal, noiseless coding, information transmission, binary code, pseudo-random sequence


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