Applying digital predistortion introduction technique to improve energy efficiency of info-communication radio equipment

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
In recent years, the explosive growth of portable info-communication devoces is being observed. Several factors became the catalyst of this development, including Internet of things (IoT) development, a wide proliferation of UAVs (unmanned flying vehicles), the fourth industrial revolution (4.0 industry) etc. These conditions impose a complex of requirements to the info-communication electronic equipment, responsible for data transmission. One of the basic tasks is energy efficiency enhancing of the radio devices under development.
The article considers methods of digital predistortion (DPD) introducing and envelope tracking (ET) as ways of efficiency increasing of info-communication means, and performs a comparative analysis of both methods implementation.
Radio module is the most energy-consuming part of modern radio communication devices. It consumes up to 50% of the total battery charge. Power amplifiers, in their turn, are the main energy consumers of the radio modules. They consume up to 50% of the radio module total consumption as well [1].
Due to its non-linearity, the amplifier requires a precise selection of the input level to ensure its operation in linear mode. However, this requirement contradicts to the need for the amplifier most effective utilization, i.e. obtaining the maximum possible signal at its output. A compromising solution consists in finding an optimal operating point.
Modern standards of communication and data transmission are very sensitive to various kinds of nonlinearities. This is determined by the high peak to average power ratio (PAPR) as well. The higher this value, the less time the amplifier runs at maximum power.
info-communication equipment, power amplifier linearization, radio module, linearization, digital predistortion technique, FPGA, Internet of things, IoT, DPD (digital predistortion), ET (envelope tracking)References
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