Developing communication organization method employing short-range unmanned flying vehicles

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices
*, **, **Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
The article proposes a method of radio communication employing a group of short-range UAVs-repeaters allowing ensure information exchange in conditions of the enemy counteraction. The main correspondents of the article are members of the reconnaissance and strike contours involving manned and unmanned short-range aircraft..
The disadvantages of this communications method when employing a single UAV in the information area are the high vulnerability of the transmission system due to the destruction of a single UAV-repeater, and insufficient communication range.
The purpose of this article consists in providing a method of organizing application of groups of unmanned aerial vehicles in reconnaissance and strike contours, including those involving aviation.
Analysis of the radio communication structure employing a single UAV-repeater is presented. The necessity of using a composite communication channel formed by the groups of unmanned aerial vehicles repeaters is substantiatied.
The result of the of the proposed method application is the ability of high-quality information exchange between the subscribers located outside of the direct visibility zone within the required period of time.
The positive effect is being achieved due to the fact, that the method comprises communication establishing between subscribers by deploying a radio link for a limited period of time (required for the task accomplishment) in the areas of interest. These are the areas where the deployment and application of terrestrial communications is hampered (difficult terrain, swamps, fires, electromagnetic incompatibility, radio-electronic counteraction). The article presents the results of the method practical approbation.
unmanned aerial vehicle, communication direction, reconnaissance-strike configurationReferences
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