2019, no. 106


Deformable body mechanics

Grushenkova E. D., Mogilevich L. I., Popov V. S., Popova A. A.
Dudarkov Y. I., Levchenko E. A., Limonin M. V., Shevchenko A. V.
Ivanychev D. A.

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics

Khatuntseva O. N.

Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment

Ermakov V. Y.

Radio engineering and communication

Antennas, SHF-devices and technologies

Zvonarev V. V., Moroz A. V., Sherstuk A. V.
Generalov A. G., Gadzhiev E. V., Salikhov M. R.

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices

Karpuhin E. О., Makarenkov N. S.
Masalkin A. A., Kolesnik A. V., Protsenko P. A.

Informatics, computation engineering and management

System analysis, control and data processing

Podstrigaev A. S., Slobodyan M. G., Mozhaeva E. I.
Kosachev I. M., Chugai K. N., Rybackov K. A.
Evdokimenkov V. N., Lyapin N. A.
Mikhalyev S. M.
Golomazov A. V.
Romanov A. M.

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes

Ulybyshev S. Y.
Scriabin Y. M., Potechin D. S.
Vernigora L. V., Kasmerchuk P. V.

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