Minimax optimization of enemy pursuit maneuvers in conditions of close air combat

System analysis, control and data processing


Evdokimenkov V. N.1*, Lyapin N. A.2**

1. ,
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



One of the main tasks facing a fighter aircraft consists in gaining the dominance in the air and holding it up, which is considered as the irremissible condition of successful of a warfare conduct for all kinds of armed forces. This task can be solved by destroying the enemy aircraft in the air. Besides, the air operations effectiveness while performing other missions also depends to a great extent on the crew ability to wage the air combat. Thus, the experience of aviation utilization in war conflicts is being carefully studied all over the world to search for tactical techniques, ensuring advantage in air combat.

The article presents the situation, when the attacking fighter aircraft tends to move through the active offensive maneuvering to the area of possible attacks, which configuration depends on characteristics of TSAs located on it. With this, the actions of an enemy aircraft performing passive defensive maneuver are aimed at evading the attack of the aircraft-fighter to prevent its entering the area of possible attacks of his aircraft.

All this is indicative of the need of employing the game approach to study offensive maneuvers of the aircraft-fighter.

The article presents an algorithm for the guaranteeing trajectory control of an aircraft-fighter for the pursuit-and-evasion task in conditions of a close air combat. It also presents modelling results, reflecting the effect of the attacking aircraft-fighter maneuvering capabilities on achieving positional superiority in an air combat.


close air combat, ensuring control, maneuverability, modeling of the trajectories of convergence


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