
Ulybyshev S. Y.

Central Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, 16a, ul. Nagatinskaya, Moscow, 115487, Russia

e-mail: wardoc5@rambler.ru


This article is a continuation of the previous work, where the issues of substantiation and elaboration of the design appearance of a promising spacecraft towing vehicle (STV) with two variants of the propulsion system (DU) using liquid rocket engines (LRE) and stationary plasma engines (SPD) were considered, as well as the calculation of the power supply system of STV.

This paper describes in detail the features of the implementation of schemes for the space debris object (SDO) disposal by the STV, with the SPD remote control. The control laws of thrust vector orientation at the stages of flight to the SDO orbit with its subsequent removal, ensuring the problem solution, are selected. Mathematical modeling and comparison on the reachability area for two variants of the orbit of burial being formed, coplanar to the SDO orbit and synchronously precessing with it, were performed. In the first case, determining the scheme of one mission to the SDO orbit and the coplanar descent are hampered by the required orbit mismatch along the longitude of the ascending node (LAN) for the flight start and ensuring the possibility of operations repeating. In the second scheme, this aspect is eliminated by creation of synchronous precession orbits (SPO) during the flight by the inclination correcting. The limits of these schemes efficiency depending on the inclination and altitude of the SDO orbit were determined. Recommendations on the possibility of these flight schemes application depending on the orbits parameters of the towed objects are formulated.


mathematical modeling, spacecraft-towing, space debris object, propulsion system, liquid rocket engine, stationary plasma engine, orbit of burial, coplanar orbit, synchronous precession orbit


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