Creating a concept of information support for decision-making based on man-machine interaction procedures


Golomazov A. V.1*, Smirnov N. Y.1**, Iosifov P. A.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



At present, studies on the information support formation for decision-making in the environment of multi-agent systems can be referred to as particularly relevant, since a multitude of problems to be solved can be represented as functional agents of multi-agent systems. Such studies integrate both the results of solving deterministic problems and the problems solved based of the theory of fuzzy sets.

This scientific article reflects theoretical aspects of the interaction between the Cargo Owners and Carriers, and information support formation for decision-making in the multi-agent platform environment. At the same time, methods for solving the tasks based on a deterministic and fuzzy approach are proposed at reaching a consensus of interacting subjects. The article explores the possibility of applying the dialogue interaction principles of interacting subjects based on the multi-agent system (MAS) software in conditions of uncertainty, risk and conflict.

The considered approach of interaction between the Cargo Owners and Carriers is based on the following main provisions that ensure [6]:


  • realization of one of the principles of the consciousness functioning, i.e. providing the decision-making processes participants with a common interpreter of information on the processes monitored and the state of implementation of transport and logistics process (TLP);

  • ­ mutually beneficial combination of human capabilities and means of MAS in information processing;

  • ­ joint implementation of the functions of information services, regulated interaction of all participants in the processes of the formation of decision support system (DSS).

Personnel is presented with the opportunity to form requests for the selection and extraction of information available in the system. These queries describe combinations of features using the functions “equal”, “not equal”, “greater”, “less”, “greater and equal”, “less and equal”, “nesting” or special functions for which information will be selected, and those information components are determined that should be extracted from the selected array and provided to the specified persons. Requests can be formed for both interconnected and unrelated fuzzy information.

In this mode, on the request of personnel from among the subjects, the generated request can be cataloged in the MAC environment and used multiple times with the possibility of correction before the next execution.

The set of forms for displaying the information received as the result of a request processing can be diverse enough (text, statistical data, graphs, charts, etc.), and it depends on the specific ways of using information on the activity being monitored, allowing the interacting swarm subjects of Cargo Owners and Carriers advance to a consensus more intensively and expeditiously.


information support, man-machine interaction, criteria, limitations, multi-agent system


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