Dynamics modelling of the landing platform two-link mechanism


Gerasimchuk V. V.

Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia

e-mail: gerasimchuk@laspace.ru


The article is devoted to the dynamics study of the two-link mechanism of the landing platform of the landing module. Federal space program includes the planet rover delivery on the planets under exploration by landing modules. An important scientific problem on rational selection of design solution for studying the deployment dynamics of the multilink mechanism of the landing platform gangway is formulated.

The author analyzes the existing methods of compiling the multi-link mechanisms motion dynamic equations, and chooses the of Denavit-Hartenberg matrix representation together with the Lagrange-Euler method for complete description of the mechanism motion. The movement dynamics is represented as a two-link mechanism with rotational joints. Further, we formulate a direct problem of kinematics to determine the vector of generalized accelerations for a given force and moments. A system of nonlinear differential equations of motion is being derived, which is numerically integrated, and modeled in the EULER software complex. The EULER software package was developed by NPO Avtomatika and meant for mathematical modeling of multi-component mechanical systems dynamics. The results are compared, and conclusion is made on the sufficient convergence of the results (the discrepancy does not exceed 15%).

The author draws attention to the fact that nonlinearity generates heterogeneity of dynamic, elastic and velocity properties of the mechanism and the variability of parameters in nonlinear equations. This feature is clearly manifested in the positions of the multiplicity π of the generalized coordinates and at their zero values. When φ1 = φ2 = 0, the mechanism is pulled into a line, or if φ multiples of π and the links are folded, a loss of controllability may occur. The author explains this by the fact that the choice of the conceptual model of the mechanism and the formation of its kinematic design model is an independent task.

Approbation of the developed system of non-linear equations with the results of the work on the transformable structures of the EXOMARS SPACECRAFT landing platform was performed additionally. A conclusion was made on the model suitability at the outline design and determining the layout and main kinematic characteristics of the mechanism of the landing platform gangway of the landing module of the interplanetary space station.


direct problem of kinematics, multi-link mechanism, spacecraft


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