Numerical models for contact zones prediction as the result of impact interaction of aviation structures with barrier in emergencies


Goldovskii A. A.

Toropov Machine-Building Design Bureau "Vimpel", 90, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, 125424, Russia



This presented article is devoted to the study of issue on the possibility of predicting and determining the contact zones of the colliding elements according to the result of their impact interaction. Developing methods for predicting contact zones is an urgent task in the case of any objective data absence on real cause-and-effect relationship, led to the impact interaction, and subsequently to some abnormal situation (emergency). Frequently, the study of an emergency often comes down to many experimental works, in which the opportunity of repeating all the conditions of an abnormal situation (emergency) that has already happened is not always possible. The presented article suggests a method, which may significantly reduce the number of experimental studies of abnormal situations (emergencies) in combination with the numerical simulation. The general application area of the developed models is aerospace industry and mechanical engineering.

The subject of the study is the impact interaction of two elastoplastic bodies. Due to the shock interaction, the stress-strain state of an elastoplastic barrier is considered to obtain a qualitative assessment of the force factors acting on the colliding elements. The article presents the main methods for studying impact interaction, as well as numerical simulation of the impact of two elastoplastic bodies.

Based on the conducted numerical simulation, methods for determining contact zones of impact interaction are presented; an algorithm for recovering the picture of impact interaction is developed; the main drawbacks of the method are considered; ways of development in terms of describing more complex geometric bodies and sequential-circular motion are proposed.


impact interaction, elasto-plastic barrier, numerical simulation


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