A Unit for Integrated Circuits Logic Gain Determining

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-5


Piganov M. N.*, Shopin G. P.*, Nazarov A. A.**, Ovakimyan D. N.***

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

*e-mail: kipres@ssau.ru
**e-mail: antonnazarov63@gmail.com
***e-mail: dd55@bk.ru


The article substantiated the necessity to account for logic gain of logic gates and integrated circuits. The authors suggest a new unit for the logic gain of microchips determining. The unit contains rectangular voltage generator, an integrated circuit being tested, a follower, loading elements, a switch, the AND gate, comparator, a pulse counter, a voltage reference source, univibrator, reversible pulse counter, decoder and indicator. The unit operates in both high and low level modes, and ensures high accuracy and validity of the logic gain determining.

Rectangular pulse generator, AND gate, pulse counter, voltage reference, and comparator are connected in the unit in series. The comparator output is connected to the second input of the AND gate. The input of the follower and signal input of the switch are connected to the output of the test circuit. The output of the follower is connected to the comparator second input. The univibrator input is connected to the comparator output. The output of the vibrator is connected to the subtracting input of the reversible pulse counter. The summing input of the reversible pulse counter is connected to the output of the AND gate. Each input of the decoder is connected to the reversible pulse counter output of the same name. Each decoder output is connected to indicator input. Each pulse counter output is connected to the cognominal input of the switch. Each of the outputs of the switch is connected to the cognominal load element 8-1 – 8-k, for each of which, starting from the second, the number of digital micro-schemes inputs, forming it and interconnected with each other, is two times higher, compared to the previous one. The unit allows determining the logic gain of the integrated circuit being tested by the high level changing (the first mode), and by the low level changing (the second mode) of its output signal.

Ensuring the second mode of the unit operation, allowing determine the logic gain of an integrated circuit being tested by the low level changing of its output signal, requires:

- Connecting the first input of the comparator to the follower output, and its second input connecting to the reference voltage source;

- To set the reference voltage source value to maximum allowable value of the the low-level voltage (logic zero) of output signal of integrated circuit being tested.

The suggested unit allows enhancing accuracy and validity of the integrated circuits logic gain determining. It is rather simple to operate.

Besides, the advantages of the unit compared to conventional ones consists in:

- the possibility to work with TTL, Schottky-TTL, and CMOS chips series;

- integrated circuits logic gain determining in two modes without changing the content of its blocks;

- ensuring automatic operating mode, and adaptability to changing microchips being tested and load elements 8-1 – 8k.


logic gain, integrated circuit, definer, operation modes, accuracy, reliability, control


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