Macromodel of LPWAN networks multiprotocol interaction

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-8


Talaev A. D.*, Borodin V. V.**, Petrakov A. M.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Currently, there are more than a dozen different independent IOT protocols with radically different characteristics. Each Protocol is being developed and employed for specific the tasks. Combining a vast number networks into a single infrastructure based on different standards will significantly increase the versatility and adaptability of the system as a whole. The article is devoted to the issues of networking and development of a macromodel of Multi-protocol interaction.

Networking can be performed at various levels. The article analyzes the options for integrating at both applications and at the sensors levels. In the first case, interaction is performed through the appropriate network gateways, data from which comes to the Multiprotocol application server, which clients are end users. The Uni on-level network of sensors means that each sensor contains both hardware and software, enabling data exchanges in the different networks with the corresponding mono-protocol gateways. With to the considered variants of separate networks combining, two main methods of organizing Multiprotocol control systems are proposed.

To solve the problem of management based on a local network node in a Multiprotocol system, each node is equipped with software and hardware to analyze parameters of its operation, the state of the networks, and the environment. In this case, based on the parameters obtained, the node is able to independently sel ect the working network. Multiprotocol system in this case consists of nodes capable of working in several networks alternately

To implement a centralized management system, a management center Advisory module is added to the network, which is responsible for distributing nodes across networks and reconfiguring the network. The decision is made based on the information received from each of the terminal nodes about the state of the node, sensors and sensors working with it.


Internet of things, IoT, LPWAN, adaptive networks, network integration, network topology, sensor networks


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