Coordinates determining mathod of scanning radio emission source in multi-position radar system with uncooperative illumination

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-9


Leshko N. A.*, Petrochenkov D. M.**, Morgunov M. Y.***, Fedotov A. V.****

Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia



Multi-position passive methods for radio emission sources coordinates determining are widely employed in radiolocation. A number of literature sources suggest various methods for coordinates determining, which have already become conventional.

Some these methods require exact knowledge of the signals time and phase structure, while the other employ dynamic properties of the radiation source and additional special measurements of angular coordinates, i.e. bearing angles. For both cases, the corollary is the complexity of the equipment capable of realizing necessary measurements with the specified quality. Thus, developing methods for coordinates measurement of radio emission sources, allowing reduce the number of measurements is an important scientific and technical problem, requiring its solution. The problem of signals phase and time structure comparison in spaced-apart receiving points at a large a priori uncertainty due to the presence of the uncooperative illumination source is rather complicated while considering a multi-position radar system with uncooperative illumination source. It is necessary to regard the other properties of illumination sources. A scanning mode might be this property.

The article puts forward a method for calculating the scanning radio emission source coordinates, based on measuring the time intervals between successive irradiation of reception points of a multi-position radar system.

The coordinates calculation of the radiation source is achieved by the following:

- Measuring the scanning period of the source;

- Calculating the scanning source angular velocity;

- Measuring the time intervals between successive irradiation of reception point of a multi-position radar system;

- Calculating the distances to the radio emission source and azimuthal directions, using the base distance between the reception points of a multi-position radar system.

When organizing scanning of the space in a multi-position radar system based on a searchless spatial-multichannel survey method, the proposed time-based method for determining the distance to a scanning radio emission source allows reducing the uncertainty of the of the radio emission source location, improving thereby the accuracy of coordinates determining the of secondary radiation sources.

The main advantage of the proposed method for coordinates determining of the scanning radio source is the minimum number of measurements, the absence of measurable angular quantities, and independence of the reception points spatial orientation of a multi-position radar system relative to each other.


multi-position radar system, uncooperative illumination source, method for radio emission source coordinates determining


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