Trends of high-speed communication networks development for multiprocessor computing systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-14


Simonov A. S.1*, Semenov A. S.2**, Makagon D. V.1***

1. Scientific Research Center of Electronic Computing Technology, 125, Varshavskoye shosse, Moscow, 117587, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The inter-nodal communication network is a key component for mass-parallel supercomputers. JSC “NICEVT” has developed the first generation of the Angara high performance communication network designed for application as a part of multiprocessor computational systems (MCS) of petaflop class, and ensuring high computer capacity scalability at real problems solving.

The following main trends can be distinguished in the MCS development:


  • connectivity enhancing,

  •   optical connections application,

  •   network adapter (NIC) and processor integration,

  •   MCS universalization to extend application on mass market by supporting the Ethernet protocol family.

The second generation of the MCS Angara with multidimensional torus topology, which development is scheduled for completion in 2019, is designed fro creating an MCS of subexaflopcic performance range. It is characterized by the modified Torus topology support, and much higher NIC characteristics, allowing plugging-in up to four processors at each node.

In the course of specification development of the second-generation Angara communication network, besides the operational parameters improvement, emphasis was placed on a significant functionality expansion, aimed at effective operation in both the high-performance MCSs segment and for data storage and Bulky Data processing systems.

These functional capabilities relate to SR IOV virtualization technology support, batches protection from the third-party tasks, non-guaranteed batches delivery for TCP/IP protocols stack realization, more effective routing algorithms for supporting the networks with “modified torus” topology, zonal adaptive routing and other features.

The MCS Angara third generation, which development is planned to be performed in 2021-2023, is focused on supercomputers creation of exaflops range, and is characterized by further improvement in NIC characteristics and optical connections application.


multiprocessor computing systems, communication network, performance scalability


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