Meteorological conditions reproduction technique while aircraft optoelectronic systems simulation

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-18


Hismatov I. F.

State Institute of Aviation Systems, 7, Victorenko str., Moscow, 125319, Russia



The development objective of the technique considered in this article is fidelity increasing of the aircraft optical-electronic systems functioning simulation in the modes of ground-based object searching, auto-capturing and tracking due to the correct regard of meteorological conditions in calculations of brightness fields of target environment optical radiation.

At present moment, the problem of optical radiation transfer in the atmosphere is solved successfully, though techniques for its solution are still rather complicated, so that engineers would be able to employ them in practice of optoelectronic systems simulation. The article offers engineering approach to accounting for the atmosphere «optical state», based, however, on the simulation results with application of the proven optical models.

The technique suggested in the article is based on the application of interpolation methods for determining transparency and brightness of inclined paths in the atmosphere between the objects of sighting and recording instruments. A method for the atmosphere brightness and transparency computing on random paths according to tabular data containing these characteristics on ray the paths is proposed.

Application of the developed methodological apparatus allow reproducing while simulation conditions of OESTG functioning such as objects sightings against horizon in conditions of high air humidity or low values of meteorological sighting distance.

The methodological apparatus of the inclined paths brightness and transparency computing, presented in article, may be applied in software complexes for synthesizing images of the 3D scene of the aircraft optical-electronic systems target environment at the polygonal representation of its objects in mathematical models.

The developed methodological apparatus may be applied as well to create hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the aircraft optoelectronic systems, in which synthesized images are reproduced by collimator projection devices in the aircraft flight dynamics.

It should be noted, that the meteorological conditions replication technique, suggested by the author of the article, combined with the developed by the author 3-D model of brightness fields of the ground-based target guidance and technique for digital images synthesis form the simulation method basis for aircraft optical-electronic systems operation. Accounting for meteorological conditions impact on the atmosphere optical characteristics herewith enhances significantly the synthesized images fidelity, and, consequently, the optoelectronic systems quality indicators, obtained while their simulation.

In so doing accounting of meteorological conditions influence on atmosphere optical capabilities greatly increases validity of synthesize images and hence optical-electronic systems indicators of quality obtained by modeling them.


meteorological conditions, humidity, sighting distance, brightness field, optical radiation, model, optoelectronic system, simulation


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