On strength analysis of a Z-shape metal seal with incising elements, being elastic-plastically deformed

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-9


Shishkin S. V.1, Boikov A. A.1*, Kolpakov A. M.2**

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,

*e-mail: a.boickov@yandex.ru
**e-mail: a.kolpakov@mai.ru


Flange joints with metal deformable seals are used in piping systems of aviation and space engineering. The article presents the joint with non-contacting flanges, sealed-off by the Z-shaped sealing installing in the unit. As the result of the threaded joint tightening, the flanges close in, squeezing the seal, which elasto-plasticaly deforms herewith. The problem of obtaining a technique for calculating the seal stiffness and its strength analysis is being set. The seal is considered as a profiled axisymmetric ring, subjected to power factors being axisymmetric as well. Theoretical study was conducted, within which framework the K.B. Bitseno theory of rings axisymmetric deformation and I.A. Birger method of variable elasticity parameters were considered with the view of their combining.

Since the seal in the presented problem is subjected to the pure bending, the authors consider its bend stiffness only. The article presents derivation of basic relationships of the design procedure of the Z-shaped seal, elasto-plastically deformed while the joint tightening. It presents the basic assumptions, which allow simplify the technique, making it fully applied. Similar to any other calculation, performed by the I.A. Birger method of variable elasticity parameters, the technique obtained in the article is iterative as well. It can be applied in strength analysis of flange joints while calculating stress-strain state of the Z-shaped seal.

Finally, encompassing rather narrow spectrum of structures types, the research problem solution possesses utterly high potential for further application in similar tasks, where computing of the stress-strain state of the profiled ring being elasto-plastically deformed is required. The main advantage herewith of the obtained design procedure is its relative simplicity due to the fact that elasto-plastical problem is solved completely by the theory of elasticity methods, which is inherited from the above mentioned method of variable elasticity parameters.


Z-shape seal, elastic-plastic problem, method of various parameters of elasticity


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