Developing simulation model of two-rank MANET Network

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-13


Volkov A. S.1*, Muratchaev S. S.1**, Kulpina Y. A.2***

1. National Research University of Electronic Technology, Bld. 1, Shokin Square, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124498
2. National Research University of Electronic Technology, 1, sq. Shokina, Moscow, Zelenograd, 124498, Russia



Decentralized mobile MANET networks (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) are self-organizing radio networks with a topology without basic stations. The presented work is devoted to the study of MANET networks performance improvements. Mainly, the two-rank MANET network concept is considered. It supposed that single-rank MANET network conversion into the two-rank topology would improve the network operation in a part of such parameters as throughput and average latency. Many merits and demerits, the main from which was the small coverage zone and its impossibility of widening by technical means, were revealed while studying properties of this class of networks.

A simulation model of the proposed two-rank architecture of the MANET network was developed in the Network Simulator 3 simulation environment. Based on the simulation results, two graphs were plotted, namely, the dependence of the average latency value and the dependence of the batches delivery coefficient on the data transfer rate.

Modeling was performed in three stages. The first stage was the MANET ad-hoc network consisting of 350 nodes modeling. Based on the results, a graph of the network bandwidth dependence on simulation time was plotted. The values of average latency, throughput, a share of lost batches and average route setting time were obtained as well. The second stage was the MANET two-rank network simulation. Characteristics of the network interaction similar to those at the previous stage, and a graph of the throughput versus simulation time were obtained. The third stage consisted in both single-rank and two-rank MANET networks simulation with gradual data transfer data-transfer rate value changing. Two graphs were plotted by the results of the simulation. They are the dependencies of average latency and batches delivery coefficient on the data-transfer rate. The effectiveness of the proposed two-rank network topology allows achieving an average gain of 15-30% compared to the classical MANET networks representation in parameters of throughput and average network latency. Basing on the simulation model operation, inferences can be drawn on the communication quality improvement practicality by the two-rank topology implementation in the MANET network.


MANET, routing protocols, two-rank networks, ad hoc


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