Detecting technique for aerodynamic target moving along rectilinear trajectory in space

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-14


Zhitkov S. A.*, Ashurkov I. S.**, Zakharov I. N.***, Leshko N. A.****, Tsybulnik A. N.*****

Higher Military School of Air Defense, 28, Moskovsky avenue, Yaroslavl, 150001, Russia



The article presents a technique for rectilinear trajectory detecting of an aerodynamic target in space based on the Hough transform, which can be used in modern radar systems. This technique allows solving the problem of trajectories detection of aerial objects in conditions of low energy availability of radar signals.

A technique for the rectilinear trajectory detecting of an aerial object in space is based on the tracking-before-detecting technology employing the Hough parametric transform. The article suggests an option of this technique realization for ground-space multi-position radar system for aerodynamic targets detection. A technique for Hough transform application for straight lines selection in space consisting in 3D image projection onto orthogonal planes, rectilinear areas extraction on these planes and backward merge of the selected fragments into a straight line in space was developed. Both algorithm of space-time marks selection, belonged to the selected straight line, and algorithm for identifying segments on a plane into segments into space were applied. Detection quality indicators computing was performed, and an optimal threshold for decision-making on the trajectory detection was selected on their basis. The article presents the results of the suggested technique operation obtained by modelling in Matlab.

The suggested technique for detecting a rectilinear trajectory of an aerodynamic target in a ground-based-space multi-position radar system allows detecting rectilinear trajectories of aerial objects in space at low values of the signal-to-noise ratio.


ground-space multi-position radar system for aerodynamic targets detecting, trajectory, Hough transform


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