Angular coordinates monitoring system of radio emission source for space communication equipment

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-15


Chistyakov V. A.

Compani «Information satellite systems of academician M.F. Reshetnev», 52, Lenin str., Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 662972, Russia



At the beginning of radio communication systems development, the main task consisted in establishing contact between two subscribers. However, improvement of radio facilities and increase in their number in all over the world, has led to the need of ensuring an error-free information exchange through communication channels.

Various noise protection techniques are used to solve this problem, and adaptive control of the antenna directional pattern in particular. However, in conditions of non-stationary interference, noise immunity techniques can be realized, if information on radio emission sources location was previously obtained. It is well-known that spectral methods (super-resolution methods) for processing signals, received from the antenna array (AA) outputs, allows estimates forming of the radio emission source angular coordinates rather accurately.

The super-resolution methods are splitted into two groups according to the scanning technique, i.e. the ones with sequential and parallel direction finding of radio sources.

The first group includes such techniques as thermal noise technique, Keipon method, and method of multiple signals classification (MUSIC). The output goal function of such methods represents continuous dependence of the output signal power on the angular position. In the space scanning process by mathematical reference signal, maximums of the objective function correspond to the angular coordinates of the radio emission sources. These methods are applicable to antenna arrays of any configuration.

The second group of methods with parallel scanning includes the Pisarenko, the subspace rotation (ESPRIT), and the ROOT-MUSIC methods. However, for practical applications, structural limitations on the antenna arrays shape are imposed on this group of methods.

A method for multiple signal classification (MUSIC) is employed for angular coordinates monitoring system realization in the presented work. It possesses the best of all resolution from the group of methods with sequential space scanning, and is applicable for antenna systems of any configuration.

The MUSIC method operation consists in employing the signal and noise subspaces of the correlation matrix input signals, with which the objective function evaluation and direction-finding peaks formation proceeds

The process of the angular coordinates monitoring system operation is performed based on 25-element flat rectangular antennae array. Both narrow-band and broadband signals are employed as radio waves. The result of the work is formed direction-finding peaks obtained in the course of the studies. Evaluation of qualitative characteristics of this method was performed as well.


super-resolution, radio emission, monitoring, angular coordinates, direction-finding peaks, antenna array, interference


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