Studying hail shot characteristics and solving trajectory problem of uncontrolled flight of an arbitrary shaped solid body for aircraft engines full-scale testing on durability

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-24


Mustafaev T. A.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia

e-mail: mustafaev.t@yandex


Along with the development of computational methods for studying the strength characteristics of aircraft structural elements, a field experiment is widely used, reproducing the real impact of birds on aircraft structures at the collision in flight. The presented article is devoted to the study of the hail shot characteristics and trajectory problem solution of uncontrolled flight of an arbitrary shaped rigid body for full-scale tests of experimental and serial aircraft engines on durability by test bench, simulating the hit by birds or hail.

The full-scale tests on of large birds’ ingress in the aircraft engine, which, according to current regulations, are performed on a running engine, or rotating impellers of fans or compressors on the test benches are extremely cost intensive. Thus, it is expedient to perform computing analysis of the working blades resistance to the impact interaction with a bulky bird and hail prior to the full-scale tests conducting.

Test bench installations for conducting tests on blades resistance to impact interaction with a bulky bird or hail should maximally reflect conditions of real interaction of full-scale impeller with a bird or hail. They should also satisfy a lot of hardly compatible requirements, such as mathematical model for computing internal and external ballistics of the test bench, trajectory problem solution of a solid body uncontrolled flight, which we will try to solve in the presented article.


full-scale tests, hail shot, trajectory problem, bird-resistance, hail-resistance


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