Design procedure of geometrical parameters and strength characteristics of roll equipment

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-110-1


Kochetov V. I.*, Lazarev S. I.**, Sokolov M. V.***, Lomakina O. V.****, Shestakov K. V.*****

Tambov State Technical University, 106, Sovetskaya, Tambov, 392000, Russia



The article regards the issues of industries, such as aviation and automotive, where products in the form of thin-walled profiles of various cross-sections find more and more application. Basic equipment for obtaining rolled materials, determining the line capacity and the of the products quality, are rolling machines, called calenders, employed in tires, tubes, airbags and hoses manufacturing, operating under high excess pressure. Working organs of these machines represent rolls, rotating towards each other with equal or different circumferential speeds, which axes are located in horizontal plane. The process of materials irregularities transportation is accompanied by dynamic loads, affecting negatively the working organs reliability and products quality. In view of complex kinematics of agitated masses in the effective volume of the two-shafted machines, the existing theoretical methods of the process analysis are limited by the indirect mixing estimation by energy consumption on material deformation in the gap between the rotor and the body wall.

Thus, the purpose of the article consists in developing design procedure of geometrical size and strength characteristics of roll equipment, capable of withstanding the calculated power loads. The design procedure allows minimizing the strength losses arising as the result of fatigue cracks or damages occurrence while the roll equipment operation. Design parameters obtained by this technique allow predicting selection of materials with low rate of fatigue cracks development with determining parts size and application of elements of reliability.

The technique, developed in the presented work, allows obtaining optimal geometric size of the calender roll based on the optimization method application employing a dimensionless complex criterion. The developed technique gives reliable size of the calender roll obtained employing dimensionless complex criterion and methods of target functional optimization without restrictions using penalty functions. The article presents the example of optimal geometrical size selection of roll for the three-roll calendar with penalty functions technique and brute force method, confirming correctness of the approach to the set problem solution.


calender rolls, penalty function method, stiffness, strength, complex criterion, penalty function


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