Stress analysis of the locking part of aircraft engine rotor blades with finite-element solution of contact problem of elasticity theory

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-110-11


Pushchin R. V.*, Pykhalov A. A.**

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83, Lermontov str., Irkutsk, 664074, Russia



The article regards the stress-strain state (SSS) analysis of the compressor rotor blades attachment of aviation gas turbine engines (GTE). The study is based on the finite element method (FEM) and the contact problem solution of the elasticity theory. As an example, the rotor blades structure with its attachment in the disk with a trapezoidal lock (Dovetail type) under the impact of a centrifugal load is considered. Parts designs are modeled by finite elements of the volumetric stress-strain state. The contact mating between the lock and the disk is modeled employing a special contact finite element. The results presented in this work demonstrate a complex picture of changes in mating conditions on the lock working surfaces. The results of calculations are shown in comparison with the results of traditional calculations. The difference manifests itself in the form of refining the value of places of stress concentration under the impact of various structural and technological factors of the blade attachment with a trapezoidal lock Thus, the calculation approach presented in the article allows detect the regularities of specifics of the impact of blade attachment elements on the product efficiency.

The purpose of the study consists in analyzing the features of three-dimensional parts models of the lock joint and changes in the conditions of their mating in operation. The proposed article presents the possibilities of the finite element method implementation (FEM) based on the solution of the contact problem of the elasticity theory.

The authors concluded that the static model was a preparatory stage for developing a new dynamic model of an aircraft engine.


analysis, stress-strain state, finite element method, contact problem, turbomachine working blades


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