Hardware and software complex of operational monitoring tools for radar side remirroring of anechoic shielded chamber

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-110-13


Mehtiev R. F.1*, Savelyev A. N.2**, Solod A. G.1***

1. Tactical Missile Corporation, 7, Lenin str., Korolev, Moscow region, 105005, Russia
2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: mehrustam@mail.ru
**e-mail: alex_san66@mail.ru
***e-mail: agsolod@mail.ru


The subject of study is the operational evaluation technique of the anechoic ratio of an anechoic shielded chamber (ASC) for conditions realization of radio wave propagation in free space while studying antenna and microwave devices of radio electronic systems and complexes as a part of hardware and software complex of operational monitoring tools for radar remirroring.

ASC application allows sharply reduce or completely eliminate full-scale test, which leads to significant cost and time saving. They are employed at every stage of radio-electronic equipment developing. The main characteristics on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) at the specified size, operating frequency range and polarization are:

– normalized Site Attenuation (NSA);

– field irregularity in the work zone (AIWZ);

– voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR);

– anechoic ratio (AR).

The above listed indicators of ASC quality characterize its «isolating» properties, as well as also the properties, guarantying unambiguity and accuracy of the performed measurements.

The required AR full-scale insuring is a complex scientific and technical task. In most practical cases AR is not ensured in the entire ASC volume, but only in its part. Difficulties of the work zone forming in the ASC space are determined by its uniqueness for each concrete study (test). On the one hand, the uniqueness depends on the ASC shape and size, the type of radar absorbing material and its placement. On the other hand, it depends upon the radiation zone determined by antennas location options, radiation sources and auxiliary tools (antenna supports and their dynamic complexes). Thus, besides attestation, including periodical one, it is necessary to be in a position to ascertain in ensuring the required minimum reflection level in the work zone of the required size.

Therefore, it is necessary to be able to quickly verify the required minimum level of reflection in the operating area of the specified size during practical measurements in spite of periodic certifications.

Employing the hardware and software complex of operational monitoring tools for radar side remirroring 2–3 times accelerated calibration process in the work zone, and allowed successfully conduct State testing of satellite signals of three types of prospective products, namely aircraft, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles.


anechoic ratio, anechoic shielded chamber, electromagnetic compatibility, phono-target environment, pulse method


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