Solid fuel combustion surface modelling with regard for heat-conducting elements

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-110-19


Belyakov A. Y.

Engineering Design Bureau “Iskra” named after Ivan Kartukov, 28, Leningrad Avenue, Moscow, 125284, Russia



The presented article describes a program for a charge of solid or paste-like rocket fuel combustion surface modelling, developed in MATLAB package. Initial data for the charge combustion surface forming includes heat conductivity factors of all fuel charge elements (of the fuel itself and all thermal conductive elements it contains), the charge geometry, stored in the form of a table (finite elements mesh), and the fuel combustion law. The fuel combustion law accounts only for the charge temperature field without considering combustion products pressure in the chamber and erosion processes, since it is quite sufficient to obtain qualitative pattern of the process being considered. The charge temperature field at each time instant is formed by solving the equation of thermal conductivity in finite differences. The article presents derivation of the equation of thermal conductivity fr om the differential equation of thermal conductivity. The results of the program execution are presented in the form of a table wh ere zones of solid, gaseous and transient states of the fuel are highlighted by various colors. Qualitative comparison of the obtained results (the charge combustion surface at a given time instant after the burning commence) with the results of the experiments on the subject of interest was performed. The trend for future works in the field was proposed as well, namely, on programs creation for designing rocket engines, operating on solid- and paste-like state fuels, with thermal conductive elements included into the fuel charge.


differential equation of thermal conductivity, finite difference method, solid fuel, paste-like fuel, numerical simulation


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