Prediction of production plan implementation of aviation enterprise employing a fuzzy neural network

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-110-20


Gusev P. Y.*, Gusev K. Y.

Voronezh State Technical University, VSTU, 14, Moskovsky prospect, Voronezh, 394026, Russia



Prior to a new product production startup or changing production program of aviation enterprise, it is necessary to unambiguously determine whether there are enough production resources to fulfill the new production program. The answer to this question is possible only in the case the presence of sufficient amount of reliable information on the production work.

In cases where information is insufficient, the authors propose to use simulation model as an information source. The article considers a simulation model of a workshop for parts production fr om polymer composite materials. The developed model was verified by the key points of production. In the simulation model, a series of experiments was carried out where production plan was the variable parameter, and the fact of the monthly production plan fulfillment was the criterion.

Based on the experiments, a data set was generated. This data set was analyzed, and certain conclusions were drawn on the production work.

To automate the predicting process, a fuzzy system model with an external knowledge base is employed, wh ere the Gauss function is used as a form for representing fuzzy sets. The first stage of this model functioning is a knowledge base compilation from the training sample in the form of “input vector”-“predicted value” pairs. The data in the knowledge base is stored in the form of membership functions for the corresponding Gaussian curves rather than in absolute values. At the second stage, using the generated knowledge base, a forecast is performed by calculating the degree of belonging of the existing situation and the reference.

The fuzzy-neural network functioning with fuzzy sets is required to perform mathematical operations performed by the following blocks: a block for bringing state variables to fuzzy sets, a block for generating a solution, a block for mapping output fuzzy sets to the forecast value.

Based on the above-described algorithm, a software module for the production plan analysis and its fulfillment forecasting was realized. The developed module allows employing various data entry formats, as well as conducting experiments.

A test sample was analyzed, from which a knowledge base was being formed, and control checks on the test sample were carried out. The results of check test gave 93% of forecast matches in the test sample.


neural network, fuzzy system, simulation, prediction, mathematical model, programming tool


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