Modelling mutually correlated interferences impact on the signal selection quality in antenna array optimal by mean-square deviation minimum

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-8


Zvonarev V. V.*, Pimenov V. F.**, Popov A. S.***

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The purpose of the article consists in identifying new qualitative properties based on a computational experiment in Matlab software and clarifying quantitative characteristics of adaptive antenna array (AAA) with the optimality criterion of minimum mean-square deviation in the presence of mutual correlation interference and changing settings of signal-to-noise conditions.

The article considers the properties of the optimal spatial AAA filter as the object of research.

The subject of this article is a quasi-narrowband signal and two interferences at the coinciding frequencies of carrier vibrations acting from different directions.

The relevance of this work is determined by the need to account for the impact of several mutually correlated interferences on the AAA characteristics. Mutual correlation of the two interferences leads to a change in the type of covariance matrix of the received signals and interference at the outputs of the AAA elements. Additional interference component, called correlation interference, occurs at the input and output of the spatial filter unit.

The article presents the results of computational experiment on the study of characteristics of optimal space selectionof a signal and two mutually correlated interferences in the linear equally spaced array, optimal by criterion of minimum of mean square deviation of a signal from reference. New properties of the optimal spatial filter are revealed.

Practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the developed technique allows determine:

– parameters of the signal-noise environment, leading to unacceptable the efficiency decrease of the spatial filter;

– the nature of the signal-to-noise plus interference ratio changing at the output of the optimized antenna array at different correlation coefficient values.


adaptive antenna array, mutually correlated noise, direction pattern, signal-noise environment, spatial filter efficiency, criterion of minimum of signal deviation mean-square from reference


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