Circuitry for parrying single and dose effects in satellite receivers

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-11


Petukh N. N.*, Blagodirev V. A.

Joint Stock Company “Russian Space Systems”, JSC “RSS”, 53, Aviamotornaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia



This paper introduces new circuitry solutions for protection satellite electronic equipment from space environment which can damage electronic system and crush expensive space mission.

Of particular importance is the ionizing radiation of outer space from various sources both inside and outside our solar system. The functioning of satellite electronic equipment is influenced by several factors include galactic cosmic rays (GCR), trapped protons, trapped electrons, solar energetic particles (SEPs) and Van Allen Belts. The radiation effects of space environment can not only cause degradation, but also disable electronic and electrical systems of the satellite equipment.

To ensure the reliability of the electronic circuits of the on-board equipment, it is necessary to determine the total accumulated (full) dose of radiation «TID» (Total Ionizing Dose), including exposure to charged single particles (single radiation effects (SEE) (Single Event Effects) causing single failures), – forming the radiation medium at a certain height and orbital orientation during the spacecraft flight. Even on high-altitude commercial airliners flying along polar routes, documented cases of avionics malfunctions due to radiation from outer space were recorded.

To reduce the effect TID and SEE, it is proposed to consider circuitry solutions that can prevent premature failures of the satellite electronic equipment exposed to space environment.

Circuitry solutions to parry probable satellite electronic equipment failures (due to the action of heavy charged particles, high-energy space protons and dose exposure) provide a reduction in the effect of breakdown currents on the semiconductor elements of large – scale integration (LSI) and very large – scale integration (VLSI) in satellite equipment.


space environment, ionizing radiation, single event effects, spacecraft, reliability, total ionizing dose


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