Analysis automation of spacecraft onboard computer cyclograms debugging

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-12


Tabakov E. V.1*, Zinina A. I.2**, Krasavin E. E.2***

1. Moscow Experimental Design Bureau “Mars”, 1-st Shemilovsky lane 16, building 2, Moscow, 127473, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The onboard computer (OBC) belongs to the basis of the spacecraft control system (CS). It consists of several computational units (faces) duplicating each other. Thus, the spacecraft faultless performance depends upon the OBC operation normativity.

The OBC operation normativity is determined by many criteria. One of the most important of them all is correspondence of the onboard software modules (OSM) operation times to the specified values. The thing is that the CS being considered is the system of the “rigid” real time. The OSM operation times at the OBC faces are being strictly regulated by the cyclogram of its operation. The specified time-frames exceedance may lead to the system failure and spacecraft loss.

Information on the program modules operation completion at the OBC faces are being stored in the telemetric information (TMI) in the form of values the corresponding flags. The TMI contains also a vast volume of other information. Besides, the TMI data representation format is rather inconvenient for human perception. Thus, the approach, at which the operation times analysis is being performed by the TMI files parsing by a human is utterly ineffective, and leads to the great time and labor consuming. Due to this, the task of this analysis automation emerged.

The article suggests the algorithm for this task solving, i.e. automation of this kind of analysis. Based on the suggested algorithm a special software, realizing it, was developed. The development was being performed with C++ employing the QT platform. The application is provided with graphical interface and outputs the results in the form of a table in the separate file. As the result, the developed software simplified significantly such analysis implementation.


control system, onboard computer, telemetric information, analysis, spacecraft


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