Methodological Aspects of Aircraft Carrier Shipboard Aviation Systems External Design

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-17


Tugolukov V. A.

The Test Center “Morskoy” of State Fly-Test Center named V.P. Chkalov, 3/61, Gagarin str., Primorskiy-1, 298177, Feodosia, Crimea Republic



The solution searching area formation by the parameters of shipboard aviation systems of the aircraft carrier, and system of preferences and principle of optimality formalization is rather complex optimization problem. Such system of preferences, which the Customer was being governed by, was being completely revealed in the process of analysis and sorting of concretely claimed alternatives of requirements. By formal instructions employing, it was possible to achieve only approaching to those optimality principles, the Customer operated while the system appraisal and decision-making.

In the methodological aspect, the analysis of the shipboard aviation systems is being set by the categorical algorithm of the system research by the “effectiveness–costs–time” common criterion, unfolded in the organizing-system aspect while the aircraft carrier operational functioning as a complex organizing-technical system within the limits of its lifecycle. The basic methodological aspects of the shipboard aviation system of the aircraft carrier external design, invariant to all stages of system optimization are activities focusing, organizational flexibility, multi-functionality, and operational functioning intensity commensuration to the aircraft carrier, i.e. target function.

The requirements for the quality indicators of shipboard aviation systems should be formed in the tactical and technical task to exclude the possibility of their ambiguous interpretation and subjective assessment of the quality of the systems.

The optimization process should be aimed at creating (developing) more efficient and less expensive shipboard aviation systems, and improving functioning quality of the existing systems, avoiding the exhaustive search and evaluation of possible options for shipboard aviation systems and the Aircraft Carrier design.

It is the system-dialectic and organizational-system aspects of external design that represent the basis of the criterion unity (“cohesion”) of optimization, evaluation and adoption of optimal design decisions during the creation, testing and operation of an Aircraft Carrier.

In logical terms, this approach to optimization problems solving summarizes organizational and system optimization regularities, the gist of optimization criteria, and reflects the requests of the design, management and organizational practice of the creation and trials of an Aircraft Carrier.


aircraft carrier, shipborn aviation systems, external design, optimization, taraget function, operational functioning, decision-making


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