Studying Nonreciprocal Device Based on Permanent Magnet for Zeeman Laser Gyroscope

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-18


Kudravtsev A. S.*, Savchenko N. A.**, Saveliev I. I.***

Polyus research institute of M.F. Stelmakh, 3-1, Vvedenskogo str., Moscow, 117342, Russia



For the first time, the dependence of the frequency non-reciprocity occurring in Zeeman laser gyroscope when the magnetic field of a permanent ring magnet is applied to its active medium was studied with account for the dispersion function nonlinearity of the active medium and non-uniform distribution of the magnetic field along the active medium.

The magnetic field non-uniformity always presents in the non-reciprocal device of Zeeman laser gyroscopes due to the peculiarities of the field distribution of the permanent ring magnet and the monoblock laser design.

The presented work demonstrates the presence of maximum in the dependence of the refractive index on the strength of the magnetic field applied to the medium.

The longitudinal magnetic field non-uniformity of the ring permanent magnet leads to a significant decrease in the amplitude of the frequency bias in the Zeeman laser gyroscope.

The presented work allowed experimentally determine the longitudinal magnetic field non-uniformity.

A technique for evaluation of the frequency bias maximum possible amplitude, which can be obtained in the Zeeman laser gyroscope while its implementation in non-reciprocal device of the ring permanent magnet for the longitudinal magnetic field creating was suggested.


ring Zeeman laser, nonreciprocal device, permanent magnet, solenoid, frequency bias


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