Multi-criteria optimization of fasteners placing while aircraft assembling by local exhaustive search

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-20


Pogarskaia T. A.

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, 29, Polytechnicheskaya str., St. Petersburg, 195251, Russia



The article is devoted to the problem of temporary fasteners arrangement optimizing while aircraft assembly. Fastener number minimization keeping the final product assembly quality is one of the key factors of production intensification in the aerospace industry. The total labor intensity of the airframe assembly process, as well as extensive manual labor employing make the entire manufacturing process of the product multi-stage and time-consuming. Production acceleration requires its intermediate stages optimization.

The article presents three different settings of temporary fasteners arrangement optimization problems, which are studied further at optimization of a certain initial arrangement for the airframe assembly model. A gradientless technique based on local exhaustive search is considered as an optimization technique. Several specifics of the problem under consideration contributed to this technique selection. Firstly, the optimization problem being considered is combinatorial and relates to the NP class. Correspondingly, it is not possible to calculate derivatives, and global optimum can be found by the exhaustive search technique. The local exhaustive search, in its turn, does not require derivatives calculation of the target function. It is based on the idea of the exhaustive search of solutions in the diminished area and consists of independent iterations, as well as allows make modifications into optimization criteria and modify the target function.

Setting of the optimization problems, and the technique, described in the article, are being tested on airframe assembling model. Various multi-criteria optimization problems are being considered and tested, which application is aimed at avoiding the impact of the parameters, being set by the general problem setting, on the result. The article demonstrates that even two different target functions combination ensures more qualitative and stable results.


aircraft assembling, assembling optimization, method of local variations, exhaustive search, gradientless optimization, contact problem, fasteners


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